Page 151 of Lips On My World

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“I’m perfect,” he answers, turning back to me with intense eyes. “For the first time in my life, I can breathe. Got my wife, my kids, and my crew. I’m a lucky bastard.”

“And Esteban?”

Maceo runs the back of his hand down my cheek. “Gone from this world and our life, along with the anger I’ve had building up in me since I was old enough to know who Esteban was. You’re worried about how I’m processing all of this, but there’s nothing for me to process. I’ve come to terms with my parents’ untimely death. I’ve accepted Esteban was my biological father. He tried to steal everything from me when he took you, but couldn’t steal what we have. Because of what we have together, I’m able to move forward and leave the past where it belongs. There’s nothing left to come to terms with. The moment Esteban’s heart stopped beating, my shackles fell away. I’m not angry, just at peace.”

“I can see that,” I say, running my fingers through his unruly hair. He groans at my touch.

“I made you a promise to be the best version of myself. This is him, baby. Not saying I’m a reformed asshole—it’s in my nature to want to control—but you’ll never see the violence in me, which I use to openly act out on. I’m still hard and temperamental, still your man, just a little softer on the inside.”

Melt my heart already.

“Want you to know I made an appointment for us to talk to Brandon when we get back home. What we went through we can’t sweep under a rug. I want us to nip it in the bud, move forward together.”

Overwhelmed, I wipe away a sneaky tear. This is precisely what I’ve wanted from him since suggesting counseling during our honeymoon. “Sounds like a plan.”

Tenderly, he cups my face with one giant palm. “Yeah? I did well with being proactive?”

“Superb,” I admit, staring dreamily at him.

His dark eyes swivel between mine then drop to my mouth. It’s not hard to figure out what he wants. I lean in, planting a kiss on his full lips. He tastes like coffee and home—all Maceo. I may have moaned a little.

Maceo goes full alpha. His fingers knot into the hair at the back of my head. Bruising my lips, he thrusts his tongue into my mouth. I counter his attack, making him hum with approval.

The next second, I’m straddling his tree trunk thighs, devouring his mouth. His arms crush me to him possessively, his lips demanding more attention. He nips and sucks at my swollen lips, making me pant with need. More than anything, I want to rub my greedy clit against the hard bulge in his jeans, but we have weeks to wait before that can happen.

Our PDA escalates as our hands run all over each other, eager to explore after months apart. Maceo groans, his need as great as mine.

Someone lets out a wolf whistle. The whole cab of the airplane is cheering and teasing us. Maceo chuckles against my lips, lifting his middle finger to his brothers. They all laugh in response.

Not caring if we have an audience, I take my husband’s handsome face in my hands and lay another claiming kiss on him. Maceo reciprocates, making my world spin into dizzying ecstasy.

* * *

“They’re here!” Jared yells into headquarters from the front door. He jumps off the porch steps and rushes me. My best friend picks me up in a big bear hug and spins me in a circle.

I squeeze him back as good as he gives. “Missed you too,” I tell him, kissing his shaved cheek. I touch his face and smile. “Must have gotten cleaned up nice for your man.”

“Damn right, I did,” he says with happy tears in his eyes, refusing to let go of me.

I’m itching with curiosity. I need to hear how my company has been operating. “Are the projects going well?”

Jared laughs, pulling me inside. “Only you would ask about work after being abducted. It’s all good. Stop worrying and go say hi to the family.”

“Squirt!” Simone cries as she throws her arms around me, knocking Jared out of the way.

With a grumble, Jared gets up from the floor and smoothes out his shirt. “Dammit, Simone! You were told you have to share.”

Her body shakes with her tears. “I made no such promise. Scram. Go find your boyfriend.”

“Same to you,” he fires back as Ziggy comes up behind him, kissing his neck.

My aggressive sister releases her tight hold but keeps one arm wrapped around me. She glowers at Jared with her free hand on her hip. “Chase is not my boyfriend.”

“The hell I’m not,” Chase says directly behind us.

Startled, we both jump. How does he always sneak up on us without making a sound?

Before Simone can make a snarky retort, Chase is pulling her away from me down the hall. “We’ll be right back, Jo.” I watch as my sister slides her hand into his, lacing their fingers together.
