Page 35 of Lips On My World

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Damn these pregnancy hormones to hell.Thank God, most of my crew is taking a lunch break on the other side of the property—it’d be unprofessional to bawl my eyes out in front of them.

Jared is quick to lay a comforting hand on my shoulder. “What are you talking about?”

I quietly explain how the pregnancy isn’t so cut and dry.

“Ah, Jo, I’m sorry,” Jared apologizes. “It’s going to be okay.”

“We’re here for you, Jo,” Tony adds.

I swallow to clear the sadness from my throat. “I need a minute. I’m going to take my break.”

The guys back off, and I walk back to headquarters. Along the way, I pass my dad on the path making his way back to the build site from lunch. He does a double-take and turns around to follow me.

“I know that look. What’s wrong?”

Oh, dad. Too much to explain in one sitting.“I’m fine, dad. No worries.”

My dad doesn’t buy my excuse. He follows me right into headquarters. “Stella?” My dad calls to my mom, waving her over.”

Mom takes one look at us from the kitchen and is right on dad’s heels. “Are you unwell, honey? You skipped lunch. Maybe you’re hungry with low blood sugar? I can bring up food.”

I shake my head as I enter my suite. “No food.” Exhausted and mentally drained, I crash on the couch in our suite.

Mom wrings her hands. “Have you taken a test?” My mom has suspected I’ve been pregnant since before my wedding. She was the one who packed the tests in my luggage when I was still in denial.

Dad’s head whips between us. “Test? What test?”

With a groan, I bring my knees up under me. This day can be over anytime now.

“What test?” he presses.

“It’s confirmed,” I answer my mom, ignoring my dad.

Excitement radiated from her in tremors.

“Will someone please tell me what test?”

Mom rolls her eyes. “Oh, for heaven’s sake, Jim. A pregnancy test!”

Dad goes as white as a sail. His head turns slowly toward me. “You’re pregnant, baby girl?”

The cats out of the bag. No use holding back. “With twins.”

My parents scream with joy. I raise a finger to my lips, getting them both to settle. “We’re trying to keep this hush-hush ‘till I’m through the first trimester. You can’t be running around telling everyone you’re going to be grandparents. We want to make sure we’re in the clear before revealing it to the world, especially since I’m high risk.”

My parents pale. Mom sits next to me, apprehension in her silver-gray eyes. “Because it’s twins?

Agitated, I pick at the lint stuck to the velvet of the couch. “That and my stupid panic attacks.” I recap my doctor’s concerns and my fear of losing the twins. “I’m terrified. Maceo has expressed his fear of Esteban destroying another family of his. What if I can’t control my anxiety and I lose the twins? It would crush both of us.”

Mom takes my hands in hers. “You can’t think that way, dear. Your doctor said everything looks fine; focus on that. I agree you need to reduce stress, but just take this pregnancy one day at a time. Let your husband handle Esteban—that’s his area of expertise.”

My dad sits on my other side, swinging an arm around us. “Your mom’s right. You and the babies will be fine. You know the saying, ‘It takes a village’? Well, those ain’t just words—there’s truth to it. You’ve got an entire family to lean on for support. We’re here for you.”

They’re right. I need to focus on the positives and think in baby steps. I’m not alone in this and need to ask for help when I need it.

Mom pats my leg. “Come have lunch. Those babies won’t grow on swears and air.”

“I’ll stay with you and have some dessert,” my dad offers.
