Page 41 of Lips On My World

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Chapter Thirteen


“They’re here, Prez,” Triple says through his ear comms. “Two cars. Two drivers, Piero, and five guards.”

We see them on the surveillance feed, but we always like eyes on the ground. Triple is at the main property gate. Eagle and Stage are guarding the front doors. Flay’s out back observing the property, making sure this isn’t a Trojan Horse type of deal. Brass is at the front stairs with Reaper at the back stairs, making sure Piero’s crew has no access to the rest of the family.

There’s no reason to hide the truth from Josephine. She’s aware Lorenzo’s cousin is visiting, and she’s not happy. Can’t blame her after what Lorenzo did to her. When I explained the meeting was highly unusual, she seemed equally intrigued. Since she was tired, I told her to go rest and watch DIY with Jared.

“Let them in,” I order.

Chase hits the release button and the gate slowly opens. The two cars pull onto the property, winding around the circular drive in our front yard. The men exit the car and Eagle steps forward to check them for weapons. Once cleared, Stage opens the front door for them to walk through. None of my men on guard hide the fact they’re packing, and Stage went a step further, holding an assault rifle. Best not to give these guys the impression we aren’t armed at all times.

Stage walks them through the main living area to the room we use as a conference room for clients. Two bodyguards enter the room before Piero steps through the threshold.

Holy hell!The fucker looks exactly like his late cousin, only taller and younger. The resemblance is unnerving.

Lorenzo’s doppelgänger waltzes in the room with an air of confidence that ruffles my feathers. The fucker’s cousin nearly got away with abducting my wife, putting her and her family through hell. The least this asshole can do is appear humbled.

Slowly, I stand from my seat to greet the new Don, but I’m not throwing out hospitality vibes.

The young mob boss makes his way to me and holds out his hand. “Captain Tabares, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

I glance at the young man’s polished hand. The room falls silent around us, everyone watching how I’ll react. How I behave will set the mood for this meeting and—Gah!—future relationship. I’m not a frivolous man. I don’t pretend to like someone for the sake of keeping up appearances, and I sure as shit don’t plan to with this mafia stranger.

With a clenched jaw, I shake Piero’s hand. “To what do I owe the pleasure of meeting yet another Bianchi?”

Piero releases my hand. “I can understand a man who wouldn’t trust my family, especially after what he and his men did to your wife.”

“Not just mine. He put his hands on my mother-in-law. My sister-in-law was assaulted. And one of our club women was sexually abused for years by your cousin and his closest inner circle. Excuse me if I hold a grudge against you and your organization.”

“Not my organization andnothow I, or my men, treat women. I apologize on behalf of the Bianchi family for the wrongs my cousin and his men did to your family. I can assure you I’m nothing like my cousin. I want no part in the criminal world.”

Piero pauses. “After the shitstorm my cousin kicked up, the family thought it best to save face. Hence, I was selected to take over Colorado. What they don’t realize is the position of power they have put me in. They want things brushed under the rug, but I’ve come to dismantle what my cousin has created out here in Colorado and liquidate his assets into new and legal business endeavors. It may take a few years until all illegal aspects of Lorenzo’s businesses are sold off and shut down, but it’s the future for what I plan as Don of Denver. Fuck the Bianchi Mafia.”

I nearly rock back on my heels. My brothers look equally surprised.

Piero points to the chair next to me. “May I?”

Either the guy is a smooth talker, or he’s legit. I owe it to my club and this city to make sure no more trouble comes in. I wave at the seat before taking my own. The room begins to settle around us and others take a seat.

“You’re not what I imagined,” Piero muses aloud, scrutinizing me. “The way my cousin described you were a ruthless, brutish beast hell-bent on destroying him and marring his perfect looks.”

“Accurate,” Punk says from against the door behind Piero.

Piero covers his chuckle with his hand. “Maybe so, but I meant to say is you seem reasonable by all accounts. I’m hoping you may help me with pointing out all aspects of my cousin's business and who he was affiliated with.”

“All our information has been turned over to the FBI,” I state, drumming my fingers on the conference table. “We have copies, but I’m not sure what you’ll obtain from it that the FBI hasn’t uncovered.”

“We both know how the law works. They only confiscate property and earnings they can prove Lorenzo obtained illegally. The same goes for his affiliates. If there’s no solid evidence connecting anyone to Lorenzo, they’re let off the hook. I want those who were released to answer to me—uncover what my cousin may have hidden too well from authorities. Those who were associated with my cousin, and his wrongdoings, must pay.”

This is why the fucker wanted to meet me. He needs our help. I smile despite myself. If the guy’s sincere, he may turn out to be a decent ally.

“I don’t expect this knowledge for free. I’m willing to pay for the information. Let’s say fifteen percent of everything.”

Like I would have mafia money affiliated with my club. “We don’t want Bianchi’s dirty money.”

“Okay, so no money. Then what? Surely there is something you’d like?”
