Page 92 of Lips On My World

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Enjoying the luxury of the spa shower, I’m not alone for long before Josephine joins me. When her slender arms slip around my torso, my body hums with endorsement. She’s right where she belongs, safe and sound. I wrap one arm around her and help her scrub the face mask away. “Did you have a good day with Punk?”

“I did. Had a few hangry moments, but he cheered me up,” she says.

“Good.” I kiss the end of her elfin nose. “Please tell me you sent him home with the green shit on his face.”

“No. I had him wash up. I would never embarrass him like that. Besides, Romcom day is our thing. I don’t want to piss him off and have Romcom by myself.”

Well, that’s no fun.I guess this means I can’t tease him either, or else it’s going to be my sorry ass having to sit through Romcom Sunday. No, thank you. Love Jo, but she can keep her day-dates with my bro. He loves that shit anyway.

“You okay? Did everything go well with the assignment?”

“Yes. All is fine,” I mumble against her forehead. “We got all the bad guys.” After having dealt with work all day, I don’t want to discuss it. But more than that, I have the warmth of my wife against me—work is the farthest thing from my mind.

My needs are simple. I want to enjoy my beautiful wife’s company, eat some of her delicious home cooking, and go to bed with her secure in my arms.

Josephine, snug against me, makes me want to be snug in other areas of her body too. Even though I had her this morning, I want her again. I press my forehead against hers, trying to telepathically stress my urges. If she doesn’t pick up how badly I want her through my thoughts, my growing hard-on will surely cue her in.

She looks up at me with those gemlike eyes full of concern. “Maceo?”

“Please, tell me I can have you,” I beg, my voice ragged. “If you’re sore, I under—”

Josephine cuts me off by cupping my heavy sac, her eyes dilating with lust.

“Pixie,” I groan, grabbing under her curvy ass and carrying her to our bed. Fuck being sopping wet—I’ll change our bedding after.

My lips attack hers, eager to pour all my love into her. The way her body melts against mine tells me she’s as eager as I am to be reunited.

My next groan is out of pure frustration when I find the bed still made.

Quickly, I set her on her dainty feet before chucking the plethora of decorative throw pillows across the room.

Expensive-ass purposeless puff balls.How many does a woman need?

I’ve just cleared the bed when my cell rings.

“Sonofabitch!” Annoyed, I stare up at the ceiling with my hands on my hips, willing my cock to hold off.

Josephine slips away to grab my cut from the chair. She returns with my cell. I answer in a clipped, “Yes.”

“Did I catch you at a bad time, Atlas?” an Italian accent asks.

Fucking mafia always screws with everything. “Actually, yeah, you did. What can I do for you, Bianchi?”

Piero snickers. “I apologize, but I wanted to say the intel you gave me on my late-cousin has proven fruitful.”

My eyes lock on Josephine as she picks up the throw pillows and stacks them neatly on my favorite blue velvet couch. Her hairless pussy lips are playing peek-a-boo with me every time she bends over. It’s more than I can bear.

“This better be good,” I nearly growl.

“Oh, trust me, it is. Your search radius has been drastically reduced. I don’t have an exact location—yet—but I have a city.”

Now he has my full attention. “Spill.”

“Lorenzo’s rat says the safe house is in Pueblo. Unfortunately, when my muscle pressed for specifics…let’s just say the pest has been exterminated.”

“Jesus,” I mutter. Is he trying to prove I can trust him? Or is he establishing dominance? If it’s the latter, then he has another thing coming.

“Yes, it’s unfortunate,” Piero sighs. “However, he did offer another name that may provide further intel on Esteban. I’ll stick to our agreement and see what else I can find. In the meantime, I hope this information proves useful.”

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