Page 93 of Lips On My World

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This seems surreal, almost too good to be true. “Gotta ask. Why are youreallyhelping?”

Piero is silent for a moment. “As much as the Bianchi mob has hurt you and your wife, it pales in comparison to what they’ve put me through. We want the same thing—to make those who did us wrong suffer. By helping you, it’s another knife in the back of my family. Win-win.”

Unreal.“You’ve got some deep-seated issues, my friend, and I know because I got my own.”

“Guess we’re more alike than not. I’ll be in touch,mio fratello.” And then he disconnects.

I slowly let out the air in my lungs. Not sure if getting close to the new mob Don is something I’m on board with, but if what he’s saying is true, I understand him probably better than most.

“What’s going on?” Josephine asks with pinched brows.

Always so inquisitive.

With my need for her growing, I take her by the waist. My dick is going to be one angry prick.

“I’m gonna need a rain check on pillow time. Bianchi gave us a lead. The crew needs to get together and sort this shit out. Pack a bag—not sure how long I’ll be working with tech. You and the fur babies can sleep in our suite.”

Josephine grumbles, shaking her pretty head. But she doesn’t fight me as she gets out her travel bag and starts packing.

* * *

“Can we trust anything coming out of this mafioso’s mouth?” Punk argues. “How do we know he isn’t fucking with us? We killed his cousin, for Christ’s sake. Bad blood or not, the mafia doesn’t take too well to outsiders taking out their own.”

Tony shakes his head. “Piero couldn’t give two-shits about Lorenzo. From everything I know about the guy, he’s legit. He doesn’t hide behind the bullshit. What you see is what you get.”

“Pueblo was on our list of being one of the more likely locations,” Gauge points out. “But still, it’s a lot of ground to cover. Have we crossed off anything in the city?”

“Everything we’ve checked in Pueblo has been ruled out. We have no leads,” Ziggy says from behind his computer.

“Then we dig deeper,” I say.

“But where?” Butch asks, his voice hinting at irritation.

I get it. I’m tired of playing hide-and-seek with Esteban too.

Refocusing my efforts, I walk the room, staring at the monitors on the wall. One monitor displays the map from Colombia. An idea starts to bounce around in my head.

Nah, he wouldn’t be that bold. Or would he?

I turn around to all my brothers. “The areas we’ve been looking at, have any of them been farms?”

The room falls silent—all eyes staring at me.

“Awww, hell nawww. Do you think he’d grow a cash crop here in Colorado? That’s fucking nervy,” Brass scoffs with disbelief.

“Hell’s Horsemen MC said their profits were down. It could be Esteban taking over their territory,” Triple points out.

Gauge rubs at his jaw. “A pole barn could house a plane. His fields could be used as a makeshift runway. It would remove all need for outside transportation. Atlas already said that if it was his business, he’d live near or on the property to monitor the progress. With the borders tightening security, and more of his shipments getting intercepted by us, moving business to the States isn’t a dumb idea. Crops here would remove the trouble of having to export and import… Makes perfect sense to me.”

“We focused on the city because we assumed he would stay near areas of transportation. We haven’t checked any of the surrounding areas, larger properties, or farms,” Chase admits, his tatted fingers already working across his keyboard.

“Let's shift our attention to farms and heavy acreage properties,” I order. “I realize this is starting from scratch, but this is the path which makes the most sense. His old villa in Ciénaga was on higher ground overlooking one of his major production fields. If he’s growing here, then he’s living here.

“Chase, you lead your tech team into pinpointing locations. Eagle and Stage—I want you on the ground in Pueblo. Whatever we can’t rule out through tech, you’ll go in and get the answers. If we have to go door-to-door to get results faster than we will. Brass and Flay are going to continue regular surveillance in our area. Reaper and Triple will finish up the new recon assignment in Denver—that shouldn’t take more than a week or two. After that, Triple will go out to Pueblo to join ground control. Reaper will go back to surveillance. Punk will lead security here with Tony. Gauge and I will restructure the schedule to hold off on extra assignments ‘till we nail this douche to the wall. Meeting adjourned.”

“HOOYAH!” the crew shouts before dispersing.

“Atlas, we need to talk—now,” Punk says in a tense tone. He doesn’t wait for me to respond before striding out of the tech conference room.
