Page 99 of Lips On My World

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Chapter Thirty-Four


It’s been a week since I broke the news to Josephine. I’ve made the most of my limited time with her, loving up and spoiling her rotten while I still can. It won’t be long now ‘till Punk whisks her away.

Her stuff is packed, her doctors sorted out, and her workload taken care of.

She’s ready for travel, but both of us aren’t ready to say goodbye.

After discussing with her doctor what her options were for traveling, he strongly advised her not to fly. Her lab results are still being processed, but even without knowing if she has or doesn’t have gestational diabetes, she’s still considered high risk because of the twins and her sporadic panic attacks. Traveling from Colorado to Florida by van will not be the most comfortable journey at thirty-one weeks pregnant. However, it is the safest.

It’s early morning when I’m awoken from a dead sleep by a hand clobbering me in the face.

I hiss, blinking the sting away. The hand which clocked me is attached to my sleeping wife. I can take a hit, but a sucker punch when I’m not expecting it is still a sucker punch no matter how small the person is wielding it.

The further she gets in this pregnancy, the more restless she’s become—not sure if it’s a result of her being pregnant or from the added stress of Esteban. She sleeps hard, but she has wicked dreams which bring out her Ninja moves.

Damn.She got me good. I kick off the covers and swing my legs over the edge of the bed.

To add insult to injury, Hades growls at me when I walk past him and Runt.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Did I disrupt your beauty sleep?”

Hades bares his teeth but I have to bite off my laugh when Runt rolls from one side to the other, inadvertently kicking Hades in the snout. He shakes his head with an annoyed growl as he paws her dwarfed body back under his jowls where he likes to keep her tucked in.

“Serves you right,” I grouch as I shuffle into the bathroom.

After I take a leak, I’m making my way back to the bed, eager to snuggle up against Josephine’s warm body. My ass makes contact with the sheets and my phone buzzes.

Goddamnit!Looks like falling back to sleep is not in the cards. I grab my cell. No matter the time, I always answer. “Yes?”

“Hola mi chico. I think it’s time you and I had words, no?”

I spring from my bed. “Why are you calling me? How did you get this number?” I say, racing down the backstairs to the tech room. At least one of the tech guys is up and working since we started doubling our efforts to find Esteban.

He quietly laughs with cold amusement. “Can’t a father want to talk with hisson?”

Chase sees me flying into the room. I point at my phone. He doesn’t need any other cue to start tracing the call.

I force myself to relax and talk with all the superiority I can muster to keep him talking. “Don’t feel much like talking to you,violador.”

“Watch your filthy mouth, boy! I’ve never raped anyone.”

“Mymadrewould disagree herself if you hadn’t killed her,” I snap.

There’s a long pause, and for a second, I fear I may have pushed too far and lost him.

“I don’t know what lies yourabuelatold you, but it’s not true. I didn’t rape Gabriella.”

“Say that to the chains tied to your bedpost in Ciénaga.”

“Ah, yes. My groundskeeper told me some weeks back that the property had been broken into. I knew there could only be one person. What did you think of the home you were conceived in and where you should have been raised? You are my son, and it’s time you come home.”

There are too many whiplashes in his comments. I’m not sure where to strike first. “You’re not mypadre. You’re a sperm donor at best, and that only occurred because yourapedmy mom! Come home? Who the fuck you think you’re talking to, huh? The day I come to you, it will be to end you.”

“I never raped yourmadre. I loved her!”

“Then what the fuck do you call it? She didn’t consent. That’s a fucking fact.”
