Page 70 of Engaging Opal

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Candy rolls her eyes. “I may not like her, but I don’t hate her. Not even I would have done this to her. Yeah, I taunted Opal and openly flirted with you, but I would have waited until you ended things before jumping in bed with you.”

“You’ve been after my property patch since you entered the club,” I argue weakly.

“For a fucking life preserver,goddamnit,” she whispers angrily, “not because I have feelings for you. We both know I wasn’t after you for love. I need the security of the MC. Landing a club member would keep me in the folds always. Did I want Opal out of the picture? Yes. But it’s one thing if you chose me as an old lady over her, versus letting her think you’re screwing me on the side with no security of you keeping me.”

Candy ran from her pimp in Denver after he got too physical with her and joined the club as a way of staying out of his reach. She did not indicate that he was actively pursuing her, only wanting to remain vigilant and not give him a reason to come back for her. Candy is not the easiest person to live with and has gotten on the nerves of a few of the brothers over the two years she’s been with us. If rumor spreads, she caused a rift in the MC, Atlas won’t hesitate to ban her from the club.

“No one needs to find out what happened—or didn’t happen,” I say hastily.

“And how the hell are you going to stop that from happening? Opal owes you no loyalties after the shit you pulled.”

“If I’m asked, I’ll be honest. I’ll tell them I didn’t sleep with you, but Opal assumes we did—just like I want her to continue assuming we did. The crew will know I’m not lying. We’re trained to see if someone is being truthful. They may not be happy that Opal and I are through, but they’ll accept it. The brotherhood comes before all other relationships as long as it’s not between an old man and his old woman. And since I never claimed Opal, that’s how it will go. I’ll be firm when I explain you had no hand in mine and Opal’s relationship ending.”

Candy rubs her hands down her face. “You swear you’ll have my back?”

“I swear.”

“Why? Why have you chosen to end things with Opal? I think I’m entitled to having some insight after you forced this on me without my consent.”

It’s a fair demand. “You ever feel you’re never good enough? Like good things aren’t meant for you because you’re unworthy?”

Candy says nothing, her brown eyes flitting between mine.

“It’s one thing to feel that way and a whole other to be worthless. I’m no good for Opal. Don’t ask for the reasons. They’re not for you to know. She deserves more than what I am,” I explain.

The pink-haired bunny turns her eyes away from mine. “You really love her, don’t you?”

“Enough to walk away so she can find a man worthy of her? Yeah. I love her with all my heart,” I admit. There’s no point in hiding the truth.

“If you love her this much, then you need to make it work between you two.”

“I’m filth, Candy.”

“No, Gauge. You’re not the bad guy here. Well, for using me, yes, and for setting the scene for Opal, but you’re otherwise a good man. And believe me, I’ve known vile men. If you can have a slice of happiness, then you should take it. Hell, I would if given the opportunity.”

I say nothing, knowing she’s wrong. I don’t deserve a happy ending with Opal.

With a sigh, Candy relents. “Fine. I’ll keep my mouth shut, but if I come under attack—”

“I’ll back you up.” Rising to my feet, I’m unsure how to proceed. “Candy, I’m sorry.”

She raises a hand to my face. “Save it. I’m so goddamn angry with you, but—fuck me—I understand why you did it. Doesn’t mean I’m okay with it or forgive you, but I get it. You owe me—and not just coming to my aid if the club jumps on my ass. A favor for a favor.”

I nod, understanding I’m indebted to her. “I’ll pay it forward when you need it.”

Candy steps away from me, heading for the door. Before she leaves, Candy looks back at me. “I’m sorry you and Opal didn’t work out.” She leaves the room, letting me wallow in my self-pity.



There’s no way to describe the anguish in my heart—none. Devastated, betrayed, livid…they’re just words to express my feelings. What I’m experiencing doesn’t have a word to describe it. It’s like all those miserable emotions blended, defeating me.

That’s it. I feel defeated.

Nobody will ever say I didn’t give it my all. Yet, it hurts knowing my best was still not enough.

Hopes dashed. Dreams dashed. A life with Gauge…dashed.
