Page 88 of Engaging Opal

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I tackled the challenge, choosing a pale palette of light blue on the walls and ceiling, with hand-painted clouds dotting throughout. The furniture was a light, natural sycamore with clean lines. I wanted more colonial-style furniture because I liked the softer curves, but I figured Gauge would appreciate some masculine touches too.

The bed had a gray tufted headboard, and the bedding was light pastels in dusty rose and buttery yellow. Pillows of every pale shade and various fabrics littered the bed, as well as the green-tea-colored couch in the sitting area.

The room is more feminine than what a biker would like, but Gauge said he didn’t care so long as I made our space the way I wanted it. I love it. It’s like living in a prism and I can’t wait to show him.

Tonight, is our first night at the new headquarters. Half the crew is busy packing everything back at the rental, while the other half works on tracking a hacker from the new tech room. I put myself to use in the new, ginormous kitchen. It’s a baker’s paradise. I can’t wait to create new recipes here, but I have another plan for the kitchen.

Gauge and the crew have been putting in long hours to track a cyber hacker, barely taking breaks. I wanted to make them some comfort food, settling on enchiladas. Gauge’s favorite.

My handsome biker peppers me with kisses, grateful I did him this small kindness. It’s sweet of him to praise my cooking skills. The girl inside of me is giddy.

Chase rolls his eyes at our public display of affection. “Get a room.”

“Oh, we will,” I quip, slapping my hand over my mouth. Heat creeps over my skin from my embarrassment. I cannot believe I said that out loud.

Gauge spins to look at me so fast, he probably gave himself whiplash. The rest of the crew hoots with laughter, teasing us. If Gauge had any doubt of what I intend for tonight, my slip-up has cleared the air.

After dinner, I take Gauge by the hand, leading him to the second level where our suite is. Excited for him to see our new space, I’m nearly skipping to our room, yanking him along for the ride.

“Baby,” Gauge chuckles. “Calm down. You’re going to pull my arm out of its socket.”

“Just wait until you see the space,” I gush. “It’s so spacious and private.”

Hint, hint, wink, wink.Need I say more? You’d think the man would race ahead of me with how long it’s been since we’ve been intimate.

He halts outside our suite. “Opal, there’s no need to rush if you’re not ready. I want you to be completely on board with me before we do this. After everything I’ve done, I want to make sure you’re comfortable—”

“Gauge,” I huff with annoyance, cutting him off. “I want my rough biker back. Open the damn door already.” I will not beg him for sex in the hallway when we have a perfectly good king-size bed waiting for us on the other side of the door.

“Yes, ma’am.” Quickly, he swings the door open, ushering us inside. He makes a choking sound in the back of his throat once we’re standing in the sitting area.

Aww. He’s getting emotional about our new home.“Isn’t it great!”

Gauge appears in shock. His green eyes are twice the normal size as he scans the suite’s interior. His mouth gapes like a fish, words evading him.

“What do you think?”

Gauge rotates on his heels in a lazy circle, one hand on his hip and the other rubbing his face. His reaction has me beaming. He’s surprised.

“Uh, it’s…it’s different. Lots,lots, of color. My eyes can’t seem to focus on any one thing.”

I clap my hands. “I know, right? It’s amazing.”

Gauge pokes a lilac-colored fur-lined throw pillow, appearing baffled by its existence. “It’s something, alright.” He runs a hand over his head before shrugging with a smile. “If you love it, I love it.”

Overjoyed, I throw my arms around his neck, planting a fat kiss on his lips. “I’m glad you love it. Wait until you see the bed. It’s so fluffy.”

I take Gauge by the waistband of his jeans, pulling him into the bedroom. Now that I have him where I want him, there’s no way I’m going to let him talk me out of sex. I get that he’s worried about pushing me too soon, but I’m not the porcelain doll he and everyone make me out to be. I’ve survived Levi, Gauge’s betrayal, years of poverty—I think I know myself well enough to say having sex with Gauge will not be on my crap list. Besides, I’ve gone to great lengths to prepare for this reunion. A girl doesn’t shave, tweeze, and wax everything for nothing.

I sit down on the edge of the bed, leaning back on my forearms. My shirt rides up, revealing my midriff. The lace of my panties peeks out of the top of my denim shorts. “The bed is ridiculously soft,” I coax in a sultry voice, beckoning him to come closer.

Standing in front of the bed, Gauge shakes his head. “Ridiculous, I agree.”

“You know what else is soft?” I ask, unbuttoning my shorts.

“Hm?” Gauge says, his head swiveling around the room, unable to focus. You’d think he was suffering from sensory overload.

My zipper hisses as I pull it down, shimmying out of my shorts. I’m wearing skimpy, peach-colored panties. Gauge seems to be obsessed with the fruit’s taste and scent. I’m gambling he’ll love the color equally.
