Page 98 of Engaging Opal

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“Yes. The club took me in, saving me from poverty. I can’t put them in danger after they made me part of the family.”

“Still, why hasn’t Levi called in reinforcements? If he has as much clout as he claimed, why hasn’t the FBI showed up with a warrant to search the premises? Why hasn’t local law enforcement not been at the door asking to speak with you?”

I’m silent, letting Brandon’s words sink in. He’s right. Levi would have been back on day one if he could retrieve me without getting himself into boiling water. That he hasn’t is telling. He knows he risks everything by going to his superiors.

Brandon steeples his fingers on his lap. “By process of elimination, the answer is Levi has no power in this scenario. The only power he has is you protecting his identity. The real question becomes, why are you still scared to reveal who he is to Gauge?”

* * *

Brandon’s question has been rolling around in my head for over a week. For the longest time, I kept my mouth shut for fear of Levi retaliating. The things he swore he would do to me if I sought help were not threats. They were promises.

How do I know this? Because they were acts he already did to me years prior. I can only imagine how horrific those scenarios would be with him angry. I would do nearly anything to avoid going through that again. If keeping my mouth shut protected me, so be it.

But Brandon pointed out what Gauge has been saying all along. Levi can’t touch me here. Gauge and the rest of the crew are more powerful than Levi’s position at the FBI. My man has repeatedly told me that the club has deep connections, but I guess I needed to have that confrontation with Levi to see it for myself. It’s been three weeks since he made contact, and not a dang thing has happened.

Levi has no power to do anything to me or the club. That revelation has allowed me to gather enough strength to return to normal activity. Well, as normal as can be. I stick to headquarters, not even daring to venture outside. I’ve returned to my baking, helping the guys in the office, and general chores around the club.

When I need company, I head over to Jo and Atlas’s suite. Even if they’re not there, I play with Hades and the new puppy—Runt. The bunnies pop into my room for girl time, even Candy. If Gauge has to leave for club business, I hang out with Jo’s sister, Simone, in the offices while she handles the accounting books. Jo’s parents, Stella and Jim, who now live at headquarters, fuss over me in a parental way. It’s nice to have a support system.

Even so, I have no answer why I can’t bring myself to tell Gauge who Levi is. He’s asked so many times, and every time, I go mute. Knowing what I know now, I should be able to reveal who Levi is to my partner. Yet I can’t.

Looking for a distraction, I decide to treat myself to some baking therapy. Maybe while I am elbow-deep in dough, I’ll have an epiphany. Hades follows into the kitchen with Runt tagging along. The giant beast escorts me everywhere when he’s not with Jo. It’s almost like he knows I need a constant bodyguard.

The question of why I can’t open up to Gauge continues to plague me as I roll out pie crusts on the white quartz countertop. I’m laying the top crust over the peach pie when Hades sits upright, growling. I look toward what’s caught his attention, spotting Candy entering the kitchen.

Honestly, it warms my heart a tad, knowing Hades’ hackles rise when Candy comes near me. “Hades, behave.”

The dog bares his teeth at the pink-haired woman before snorting and laying at my feet.

Runt, Jo’s Cane Corso puppy, yaps happily, greeting Candy with a stubby, wagging tail. Candy bends to scratch Runt behind her floppy, silver ears. “Hi, Runt.” Candy straightens, glowering at Hades. “Hi to you too, devil dog.”

Hades gives a low growl, but stays put in his spot at my feet.

“I’m nearly finished if you need to use the kitchen,” I say, turning to put the pie in the oven. “Give me fifteen minutes to clean up and I’ll be out of your hair.”

“No rush. I don’t need the kitchen. I came to talk to you.”

Stunned, I slowly turn to face her. Candy and I haven’t exactly spoken to each other beyond one-word answers since the night I caught her with Gauge. We’re pleasant toward each other, but beyond that, we keep our distance.

Leery, I eye her. What could she possibly want to talk about?

Candy gives me a thin smile as she approaches the kitchen island. “I understand your apprehension. It’s not like I haven’t been a total bitch to you since you arrived.”

“You said it.” Normally I would apologize for speaking harshly, but I’m out of fucks to give for this woman.

Instead of retaliating, Candy straightens her shoulders and owns her faults. “I deserve that. It wasn’t fair how I treated you, and I apologize. Honestly, I mistreated you because I was jealous.”

Ah.“I get it. Gauge is a catch.”And he picked me.

“Um, no, that’s not why,” Candy snorts without amusement. “Gauge is wonderful and all—for you—but he’s not the reason I was jealous.”

“Then what is it?”

“You were a threat to my security.”

What?I do a double-take, completely blindsided.

“Brandon said this would get easier the more I opened up, but I think that’s a load of shit,” she mutters, her face pinched with displeasure.
