Page 11 of Bewitched By Her

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“Or you can stay for round two.”

She looks at me with lustful eyes. “Do you have another condom?”

I nod.

Jessica doesn’t give me an answer. She reaches behind her and begins stroking my dick back to life.



The noise of what sounds like the blare of an almost-defunct foghorn starts to infiltrate my sleep and I blindly move my arms around in a bid to stop it. Fuck’s sake, it’s obnoxious and loud and highly annoying. My flailing proves fruitless, though, and I crack one eye open to try and locate the offending object making such a racket. Big mistake. My head starts pounding as if it’s done ten rounds with Rocky Balboa and my eyes feels like someone’s rubbed sandpaper over them. Repeatedly. The blaring stops, only to start again a moment later and eventually I haul myself to a seated position and locate the cause of my distress. Jamie’s phone sits on the bedside table sounding an alarm. I quickly lean over and abruptly shut it the fuck up, switching it to silent for good measure, and flop unceremoniously back down on the bed.

“Ungf,” grunts a half comatose Jamie, who’s lying beside me. She’s half-dressed in jogging bottoms, one leg on and one leg off, and an inside out T-shirt slung back to front over her torso. A quick glimpse at my own attire confirms I’m no better off, except at least I managed to get my pyjamas on in a somewhat reasonable fashion.

“Dude,” I groan, as I shake her awake. If I have to endure the world’s worst hangover, it’s only fair she has to as well. “What the fuck did we do when we came back last night, and why does my mouth feel like a donkey’s arse?”

“One,” comes her muffled, half-asleep reply, “that’s way too many questions to deal with this early in the morning, and two, how the hell do you know what a donkey’s ass feels like? Nope. Don’t answer that. I don’t think I want to know.”

I check the time on her phone before responding. “In answer to your first question, it’s midday, so not exactly early. As for the second question: no comment.”

I tentatively move out of bed, gently placing my feet on the ground and almost step on the cause of our pitiful state. An empty bottle of tequila lies on the floor, together with an almost-empty bottle of bourbon.

“Gah, please don’t tell me we finished those off last night?” I plead, not only with Jamie but with whatever gods are listening to me right now.

“Whatever we did,” Jamie states, as she slowly sits up, clutching her head as if to stop it from falling off, “I swear to God, I’m never doing it again.”

“Amen to that.” I agree.

* * *

After taking what I can only describe as the world’s longest shower—argue all you like, I guarantee I’ll win on that point—I feel somewhat more human and start clearing away the empty bottles, together with a number of empty packets of various crisps/chips and sweets/candy. I’ve only been in the States for a few months, so my English/American language ratio is still biased to the motherland, but I’m getting there. I’m about finished when Jamie bounds into the shared lounge area, fresh faced and bushy tailed. How she’s managed to shower away the copious amounts of booze we drank last night and look like an angelic virgin is beyond me.

“Feeling more human yet?” she asks.

“If you mean, have I managed to wash away the zombie that happened to infiltrate my body overnight, then yes, I am.” I confirm.

“Good, because you know what I want? Brunch. And I mean greasy brunch. Eggs, bacon, pancakes, French toast, syrup. You name it, I want it on my plate and in my goddamn mouth.”

My mouth waters at the very mention of greasy food. As a rule of thumb, back at home, weekends were all about having an English Breakfast fry-up. It’s my go-to after a night of drinking and judging by the rumbling coming from my stomach, my body feels the same way. “Brunch sounds good,” I acquiesce. “Should we wake up Allie and Steph, too?”

“Steph stayed with the birthday boy and Allie sneaked off with Donte at some point last night. She’s not back yet so . . . I think she’s good.”

I raise my eyebrows at that revelation. As far as I remember, Allie didn’t seem to show any interest in Donte at all at the party, so for her to sneak off is a little surprising. Mind you, I can’t say I was completely compos mentis last night, having been distracted by my own little escapade. I can feel the blush flush up my neck at the mere thought of what happened. My mouth goes dry as a memory flashes through my mind.

Dark, obsidian orbs, sinfully soft mouth, deftly articulate fingers, Bruce painfully licks my folds in one slow, deliberate move before pushing one of his fingers into me. The feeling is not unwelcome, and I attempt to writhe in his firm grip in order to find more traction. I’m rewarded with a dark chuckle which reverberates against my core, causing a gasp to leave my lips. I’m so very nearly there, and he knows it, given he’s taking pleasure in prolonging my release. With a hand behind my knee, he places my leg over his shoulder and the new position gives him the angle he needs to penetrate his tongue even deeper, causing the glorious waves of ecstasy to race through my body. “And that’s number three,” he says smugly, as he removes his fingers and licks them slowly, the movement so ridiculously sexual it almost makes me come again. “But who’s counting? We’ve got all night, Little Rabbit.”

“Earth to Charlie?” Jamie snaps her fingers in front of my face, and I realise I must have zoned out.

“Crap, sorry. What were you saying?” My poor attempt at recovery doesn’t go unnoticed and it’s not helped by the bolt of desire shooting straight through me and settling at the apex of my legs. I try to inconspicuously ease the ache by changing position, but my friend clearly notices and smugly smiles as she crosses her arms under her chest. “Anything you need to tell me, Miss Charlotte?”

“What?” I splutter in defence, “Er, no, of course not.”

“Are you sure about that? Nothing at all?”

“Yeah, I’m sure. There’s nothing interesting to tell you.”

“Uh-huh,” Jamie raises an eyebrow. “So, if I were to mention a certain tall, brooding, hot Batman lookalike, there’d be absolutely no reaction from you at all?”
