Page 95 of Filthy Rogue

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“I didn’t know we had a relationship,” I teased then looked away. “I don’t know. She asked me about you several times. It’s possible I mentioned something. Why?” When he didn’t answer, I had a general idea of what he was thinking. “You think Maggie is somehow involved with your brother’s death?”

“I think she was very cozy with Michael Azzurri in a couple pictures. I also think Galen allowed her to engage in too many personal aspects regarding his life.”

“That’s why you wanted to bring me here.”

“In part. You’ll be safe here,” he insisted.

A cold shiver slid down my spine. “Are you certain of that?”

“At this point, I’m not certain of anything. Just stay inside and pay attention to what’s going on. If anything happens, you call me. Do you understand?”

“I promise.” Now I was afraid, more so than I’d been before.

“Can you fire a gun?”

I laughed even as knots formed in my stomach. “My father taught me.”

“Good. You need to know that I slipped a gun into your bag. I know how you feel about it around Lily so keep the ammunition away from the weapon. Just make certain you know where both are.”

“I don’t want it.” I pushed the bag away as he tried to hand it to me. When he grabbed my arm, forcing me to take the strap, I hissed. “This is crazy.”

“Yeah, but I learned a long time ago that life is shit unless you change it yourself.” I noticed he was reaching into his back pocket. “Take this.”

“What is it?”

“Some important papers that you need to have.”

“Whoa. What are you saying?”

“I’m not saying anything, Harlow, but I’m a cautious man. Take it.”

I knew he wouldn’t allow me to refuse. As I took the envelope from his fingers, the electricity shooting from one to the other stole my breath. Then I wrapped my arm around his neck, fighting tears. What was he hiding from me? I hated this.

He pulled away, brushing his knuckles across my cheek. “I gotta go. I’ll call you as soon as I can. Frank and Carrie know what’s going on. Don’t worry. Frank can handle himself. Just stay safe, sunshine. I’ll be back before you know it.”

As he backed away, he wore the same smirk I’d noticed in the convenience store, the one that had annoyed me so badly. Now I wanted to savor every second, fearful I wouldn’t have another. I waited outside, the envelope in my hand, until he’d climbed on his bike. He hadn’t told me goodbye or waved. He’d just left, as if he was coming right back.

I walked onto the porch, staring at the plain brown envelope for a full minute before finding the courage to open it. There were a few papers regarding the business, which didn’t bother me. However, as I pulled out the last document, I fell against the side of the building.

He’d written out his will. Nestled in the middle were guardianship papers. He wanted me to take care of Lily in the event something tragic happened.

The man I loved with all my heart was prepared to die.



The shit was ready to hit the fan.

I’d driven by her house on the way back from Boulder City. The front door was open, what little she owned trashed, the place turned upside down. Things could easily be replaced. The beautiful woman who’d driven me crazy for days couldn’t. I could still see the look on her face as I’d mentioned the weapon. I felt better leaving one with her, although at this point, I was so far on edge that the rush of adrenaline coursing through me was strangling.

I moved into the house, putting the first plan of action into motion. I’d walked the entire perimeter as well as studying the locks on windows and doors. Along the exterior, the most vulnerable place was the left rear corner. I’d beefed up the camera, installing three additional low visibility units. Then I’d secured the rear door more than Galen had done. I wanted the fuckers coming in from the front.

After gathering the few weapons I’d brought with me, slapping magazines into all four and sliding one under the belt in my back, I moved into the kitchen to grab a beer. Either it was going to be a long ass night or a bloody one. I had to be prepared for either.

I headed to Galen’s office, staring at the cameras as I drank the cold one. All was quiet on this cloudless night. There was something both sad as well as cathartic about being prepared for an invasion. My mind shifted briefly to the night of my last mission of the Army, the flash of images pulsing in my mind putting me further on edge.

What I wouldn’t do to go back and replay the entire night, including the questions that I hadn’t asked my superior. The first fucking time I hadn’t grilled the man and my entire team had paid for it. I couldn’t shake it this time, loathing the entire situation both then and now. This time, I’d get it right. Maybe I was proving something to myself. Maybe I was trying to find the soul I’d left on the bloodied ground thousands of miles away.

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