Page 22 of Debt of Loyalty

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“Hawaii,” she said quietly. “This is where we’re going?”

I laughed as I took the time to reload my weapon, shoving another magazine in my pocket. “Not a chance, sweetheart. We’re just passing through.”

“Where to?”

“Would you believe me if I said an exotic location?”

It was the first time she’d laughed in almost a day, her eyes lighting up, providing another reminder of how much I craved her touch. “I’d believe anything when it came to you.”

Chuckling, I moved toward the cockpit, sticking my head into the open door. “Su dinero sera transferido tan pronto como aterrice y no haya problemas.” Your money will be wired as soon as you touch down and there are no issues. I could sense the man bristling. If he thought I’d be stupid enough to hand over the kind of sum he required prior to ensuring our safety, he was out of his fucking mind.

“Si, señor.”

His stilted reply once again forced me on the edge. However, I doubted the man had agreed to be a part of an ambush at a busy airport. That would certainly increase the chance a bullet would be put in his brain.

As the plane touched down, I breathed another sigh of relief. There was no one in sight that bothered me.

It took him almost three minutes to taxi to the right location. When he cut the engine, I pulled back, glancing out the window before heading to the back. “Can you grab a bag?”

“Of course. I’m not an invalid.”

I smiled. “No, you are definitely not.” I kept her moving as we headed for the building, constantly looking over my shoulder. Thank God, there wasn’t another incident.

I was a man of my word. As soon as we were inside the smaller terminal, I took a moment to wire the man’s money. He’d done his part. Now it was time for me to do mine. I grabbed her by the hand, leading her to another area. We had to walk for almost ten minutes and when I took her through an exit door, she finally glanced up at me.

“We’re not taking a plane. Are we?”

I shifted my gaze in order to see her. “Nope. A better ride.” I couldn’t help but smile seeing her reaction to the helicopter. The beauty was mine. I owned two of them, money well spent. This one was my baby, a partial gift from a man I respected and one I could call if I was in a pinch. I hoped that wouldn’t be necessary. “Ever been in one?”

“I guess this isn’t the time to tell you that I’m terrified of heights, huh?”

“Don’t worry, baby. I’ve had more hours in a bird than I have in car.”

“That’s what you did in the army, isn’t it?”

“You got it.” I tossed our things inside, taking a few minutes to check the flight plan, signing off on our destination with the tower. As I guided her inside, I thought about how many choppers I’d flown in my life. More than I could count. I was happy in the air, flying to any destination. My superiors had called me a cowboy, and not in a good way. Even my instructors had been green when leaving the training session, cursing me under their breath given my method of flying. I enjoyed living on the edge, the freedom a bird allowed me.

Today would be no exception, other than the last thing I wanted to do was terrify her even more. When we were ready to go, I squeezed her hand. “The one thing I will tell you is that you should be prepared to bask in the glory of nature.”

She studied me as I started the engine, her smile widening. “Another Hawaiian island?”

“Maybe. But not just anywhere. Where we’re going few have ever seen. I’m privileged to be able to call the island my home when I’m not working.”

“I can’t wait, although I’m surprised you’re allowing me to learn anything about you.”

“Well, you’ll figure it out anyway. However, when then this is over and you never have to see me again, I’ll ask that you forget where you were taken.” I noticed the slight change in her eyes, but she laughed to cover it up.

“I promise you that I plan on removing the name Viper from my vocabulary.”

“Excellent. Here we go, sweetheart. An adventure awaits.”

As expected, Willow got over her fear of heights as soon as we got close to the islands. I could see the look of awe on her face, every sound she made one of happiness.

“What is this island? I’m dying to know. I promise you I won’t tell anyone.”

“I’m trusting you,” I told her. I’d debated not saying a damn thing to her, but at this point, it was useless to try to keep much of anything from her. “We’re headed for Ni’ihau.”

“I’ve never heard of it.”
