Page 74 of Debt of Loyalty

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I couldn’t allow it to bother me. After opening the door, I slipped inside, listening for sounds. There were two women in the kitchen, jabbering away in Spanish. It would seem the master of the house had made a mess. Again. His anger typically got the better of him. I’d also use that to my advantage.

Sometimes there was no better way to make an entrance than simply heading into the room. That’s exactly what I did. The two women were shocked, horrified from the condition of the man walking into their kitchen. As I grinned, I issued a few words before passing by.

“Solo sacando la basura.” Just taking out the trash.

The two women remained stunned, and I winked before heading toward the door leading from the kitchen. I peered out into the hall, uncertain which closed-off room would garner my prize.

One of the girls touched me on the arm, standing on her tiptoes in order to whisper in my ear. “Tercera habitacion a la izquierda.” Third room on the left.

“Gracias,” I breathed.

She nodded, backing away almost instantly. Somehow, I doubted they would call for security. I carefully padded toward the room, holding my breath as I listened.

Then my blood turned to ice.

“Tell me the truth about my mother,” Willow demanded.

“We’ve been through this, Willow. Your mother betrayed me on more than one level. I’m done with her now that I have everything I want. You will now stand by my side.”

“Never. That will never happen. Santiago will save me.”

“I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I lied to you, my princess. By now, your… protector is dead.”

As soon as she screamed, I burst into the room, holding the weapon in both hands in front of me. I tasted blood and for once it whet my appetite.

“You didn’t think I could miss a party, did you?” I asked, my strength waning. I took several labored breaths as I moved closer, my arm starting to become numb.

He cursed in Spanish, immediately reaching for Willow but she was too quick for him, darting around the table. “What do you really think is going to happen, Viper? Do you really think you’re going to walk out of here? That’s not going to happen. You’re surrounded and this time, my men won’t hesitate to shoot. I’ll still consider allowing you to leave if you provide the truth about who you’re working for.”

“Why the hell do you care?” I asked, the massive table preventing me from protecting her.

“Because I’m a stickler for details. Truth is important to me.”

“You want truths?” Willow asked. I noticed she rushed toward the group of bookshelves, yanking a picture into her hand. She walked toward him slowly.

“Don’t,” I hissed.

“No. I’m not afraid of him,” she said defiantly. “He won’t hurt me.”

“Like hell he won’t.” I moved closer, keeping the barrel pointed at his head.

“Viper means nothing,” he insisted. “He’s a bug that must be eliminated. I promise greatness.”

“Greatness? That’s where you’re wrong,” she said. “I love that man. For right or wrong, I fell in love with the one man I could trust, the only man who hasn’t lied to me in my life. Tell me something. Did my father know the truth?”

What the hell was she talking about? The drugs?

Castillo appeared uncomfortable, constantly darting his gaze toward the picture. It was firmly placed in her fingers, the pressure she used enough to turn her knuckles white.

“Your… father is an idiot. He thought that woman he married loved him. She was just using him.”

“Maybe so, but it allowed me to have a father figure in my life that I could be proud of.”

Whatever the conversation was about, her conviction and strength were increasing. She slammed the picture on the table, the glass shattering. “You two seemed very cozy. I wonder if you have plans on escaping to some amazing paradise together. Isn’t that what happened?”

He cocked his head and unbuttoned his jacket at the same time. Hissing, I forced his attention toward me.

She rounded the corner of the table, jerking the picture to eye level. “Look at this. You have a photograph in your home of you with my mother. Is that what this charade is all about?”
