Page 41 of Captivated

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After dinner, Penny runs up to her room to play. Will lures Connor away, to his study—otherwise known as the man cave—leaving me and Skye alone with the baby.

I hold out my arms for Nicky, and Skye hands him to me. When I’m assured we’re alone, I say, “Connor and I kissed.”

Skye’s blue eyes widen. “Yes! I had such hopes for you two. I’m thrilled to hear it. How did that come about?”

“We talked about his grandfather. He told me how he feels about me—he says he still loves me.”

“Do you still love him?” she asks.

I nod. “I never stopped.”

“So, now what?”

I shrug. “I’m not sure. I don’t want to get my hopes up, but maybe there’s a chance we can get back together.”

“But? I sense abut, Kennedy.”

“We’ve both suffered a lot because of my decision. I’m wondering if he can truly forgive me.”

Skye gives me a gentle smile. “He loves you, Kennedy, and he wants you back. I don’t think you need to worry about him forgiving you. I think it’s a foregone conclusion. Maybe you should focus on forgiving yourself.”

Chapter 15

Connor Murphy

I follow Will into the parlor and take a seat in one of the leather armchairs facing the fireplace. He flips a switch, and the gas fireplace lights up.

“It’s summer, Will,” I remind him. “I don’t think we need a fire.”

He laughs. “I like the ambience. For some reason, having a fire reminds me of England.” He walks over to the bar. “How about a drink?”

“Sure. I’d love a whiskey.”

“Right.” Will opens a bottle and grabs two tumblers off a shelf, pours us each a shot, and hands me one. “Cheers,” he says, tapping the rim of his glass to mine.

I take a sip, relishing the liquor as it slides down my throat with a hint of burn. “Thanks.”

“So, how’s it going with Kennedy?” Will asks as he sits in the other chair.

“I kissed her.”

He seems genuinely surprised. “How did she respond? Did she smack you?”

“No. She kissed me back.”


“I think it would have gone a lot further if a certain little miss hadn’t interrupted us.”

Will grins. “Sorry about that. Penny was dead set on going down to the cottage to see you two. She did at least knock, didn’t she? Skye told her she had to knock.”

I laugh. “It turns out that was good advice. So, I kissed Kennedy, and she kissed me back. I’m hoping we can work things out.”

Will sips his drink. “Glad to hear it.”

“Since we’re on the subject of me and Kennedy, can I ask you a favor?”

“Of course,” Will says readily. “What do you need?”
