Page 76 of Captivated

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“Do you think he’ll be upset?”

“Who? Mr. Carmichael? I sincerely doubt it. He’s a very practical man. He cares about the bottom line, not how we get there.” I wink at Kennedy. “He can hardly deny my request to work remotely when his own son does the same thing.”

I lead Kennedy to my office suite, which is made up of two rooms, an outer office where my secretary and PA work, and the inner office, which is where I do my work.

I introduce Kennedy to my secretary, Nancy, and to my PA, Joyce. They’re both middle-aged women with a tremendous amount of experience with the company, which means my office runs like clockwork.

I show Kennedy into my office. “I’ll leave you to relax here while I go talk to Mr. Carmichael.”

After she gets comfortable in my big office chair, I give her a kiss and then head over to Mr. Carmichael’s office. When I arrive, his secretary waves me in, as he’s expecting me.

“Well, Connor,” the man says when I step into his inner sanctum. Fitzwilliam Carmichael reminds me a lot of his son. They share a great resemblance, except for the fact that the father has a bit of a paunch, and his auburn hair has thoroughly grayed at the temples. “Sit.” He motions me to take the chair in front of his desk. “I trust you had an enjoyable trip to the States to see my son and his family?”

I take a seat. “I did, sir.”

“I hope they’re all well. How’s my new little grandson?”

“He’s quite the perfect little chap. Eating like a champ already. I’m sure he grew a centimeter over the weekend I was there.”

Carmichael nods. “Excellent. I’m glad to hear it. And my granddaughter, Penelope? She’s well, I take it.”

“She is. The young lady is a delight.”

“And my daughter-in-law?”

“Skye’s as wonderful as ever.”

Carmichael’s head bobs as he continues to nod. “Good, good. I’m glad to hear it.” He leans back in his leather chair and eyes me. “So, what’s this I hear about you wanting to relocate to New York City?”

“Ah, I see you’ve spoken to Will.”

He nods. “He might have mentioned something about it, and he might have pressured me into saying yes.”

I chuckle. “Kennedy Takahashi and I are engaged to be married, sir. Since she lives and works in New York City, and that’s where her family live, I thought we’d commute between the two countries, like Will and Skye do. Have the best of both worlds.”

Carmichael frowns. “I see.” He steeples his fingers on his desk and eyes me with great contemplation. “What is it with these American women stealing all our best resources? First my son, and now you.” But there’s a slight grin lurking at the corners of his lips.

I shrug. “What can I say? They’re irresistible.”

The man nods. “Well, what can I say other than congratulations? If I say no, you’ll simply resign, isn’t that right?”

Trying not to laugh, I nod. “Quite right, sir. Although I’d prefer not to have to make that choice. I rather like working here.”

“I like you working here, too, son. You’ve made this company a lot of money.”

“Then can I assume I—we—have your blessing?”

“You do, on one condition.”

“And what’s that, sir?” I can tell he’s just being cheeky now.

“I fully expect to be invited to the wedding.”

* * *

After my talk with Mr. Carmichael, followed by a conversation with someone in the human resources department to make all the arrangements, I return to collect Kennedy. To my surprise, I find a number of Carmichael & Son employees congregating in my office.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t invited to the party,” I say as I make my way into my own office. There are easily ten people standing around—mostly support staff, but also some of Kennedy’s former colleagues—chatting with Kennedy, who’s sitting in my office chair.
