Page 3 of Reckless Conduct

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So, it’s really no wonder that this man in front of me has my heart clashing against my chest, thighs clenched tight, desire seeping from between my legs every time I see him.

He is the next best thing to sooth my raw heart. To fill those dark, tormented spaces…

So yeah, sick, twisted, tormented daddy issues.

My earlier thoughts of freedom flashes in my mind. And it should scare me.

Because I know, if given the chance, I’d give up all my freedom and be enslaved to Mr. Boyd.

* * *

Jakeand I sit on the floor in my room. The carpet is a cream color, pairing so beautifully with the pink and bright white accents in my room. We both sit against the foot of my bed, backs resting into the white fur comforter. I’m sorting my binders out, writing names on folders for school. Matching syllabuses to the correct classes instead of having them in a jumble mess in the one folder I stuffed them all in today.

Jake’s finger traces up my inner thigh, causing me to stop working on my organization to look over to him. His brown eyes sparkle as his head moves closer to me, finger lightly brushing the hem of my skirt. His hair brushes across my forehead, nose gently pressed to mine, lips barely a breath away. “You seem stressed, Callum. Let me help you with that,” he whispers over my lips.

I lick my lips, nodding. His mouth brushes mine. Once, twice. His hand slides along my inner thigh. Higher until it slips inside the silk of my panties, connecting with my wet heat. It’s not that Jake doesn’t turn me on, because, God, he does. Especially when he kisses me. It’s gentle and sweet. He does this thing with his tongue that always has me gasping and pulling him closer.

He pushes another finger inside me, coaxing a moan to slip past my lips. His lips leaving mine, causing my eyes to pop open. “I want to try something different. Are you okay with that?” he speaks across my mouth.

“Yes,” I whisper.

He smiles, planting a soft kiss to my lips before shifting down, gently spreading my thighs and settling between them. I close my eyes, a mixture of excitement and embarrassment tinting my cheeks. His fingers hook into my panties, tugging the scrap of silk down my legs, pulling until they clear my feet, tossing them over his shoulder. He looks down at me, and this time, I can feel the redness of my cheeks spread over my entire body. He looks as nervous as I feel but when his head bends, tongue tentatively swiping over my sex, the feeling so intense and new, I almost lose it. I almost push him away, but then he does it again and again, until his tongue works my tight hole. A moan breaking free. Embarrassingly loud. And when he doesn’t move from the spot, avoiding the spot that aches, I begin to get frustrated. He is trying, his tongue sloppy and missing that bundle of nerves that is so sensitive, I long for it to be licked, rubbed. Devoured. But he keeps missing it, choosing to thrust his tongue in and out.

I want to get off so bad, I can taste it.

Gripping his soft strands in my fingers, I jerk his head up to look at me. “Touch my clit, Jake. Please.”

His brow furrows, face slightly confused. But as he gets back to work, he finally finds it. But something is off. I squeeze my eyes closed in frustration. Men could be… But then it happens. My mind conjures him up. Putting me on his desk, the classroom empty except for the two of us. His ash eyes watching me as he swipes his tongue over my clit, tasting me. Devouring me. Savoring every last drop. His eyes are heated, dilated with lust and hunger. His strong, manly fingers bite into my thighs, pulling me closer to his mouth. I feel it then. The curl of my toes, the heat that blooms on my insides, the need to grind myself against his face as I rise to my ecstasy. I feel the release jerking my body, whimpers leaving my mouth as I thrust myself harder against his stubbled face. Soaking my legs. My chest heaves and my eyes flicker open. My ceiling coming into view, the glass chandelier swaying just a bit. “Wow,” Jake whispers, and I look up at him, my cheeks heating in embarrassment. “I don’t think you’ve ever come that hard before.”

I want the world to open up and swallow me whole. I gulp, forcing a smile to my face. “Yeah.” What else can I say? Because Jake didn’t get me off, if it was up to him, he’d still be working his hardest with no success.

Jake didn’t get me off.

No, thoughts of Mr. Boyd did.


Journal entry: It’s like watching through a looking glass. Bittersweet.

I sitin the counselor’s office, my compact mirror positioned as I reapply my lipstick. Mrs. Lucas clears her throat. I snap the mirror closed, politely smiling at her. “Sorry, Mrs. Lucas.”

She smiles, pushing her blue-rimmed glasses up her small nose. “Miss Madison, I’m happy to tell you that your request to be a teacher's aide has been successful. We have a teacher who needs one pretty bad. Only thing is, he needs you for two class periods.”

I sit up a little straighter in my seat, fully invested now. This is something I want. Teaching has piqued my interest the last two years, and this is the perfect way to see if I’ll love it or not.

I know as a senior in high school I should know with my whole soul what I want to do, but sadly, I’m not one hundred percent sure what I want to do in life.

“Whatever they need, I’m their girl.”

Mrs. Lucas claps her hands, grabbing a sheet of paper from the printer. “Here is your new class schedule.”

I scan the flimsy sheet of paper, noticing all my classes are the same except for the last two of the day. And… was that?Absolutely not.

“I think I change my mind. I’m definitely not your girl,” I muse, my eyes drilling in on the teacher's name.Sheer panic overtaking me, making my chest squeeze.

Mrs. Lucas frowns. “Do you have a problem with Mr. Boyd?”

More like a weird kink, Mrs. Lucas, but I doubt you want to know about that.
