Page 107 of Spark of Obsession

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“She better hurry if she wants to see the drama,” Claire laughs.

“I can’t believe the season is nearly over,” I whine, sipping my mojito.

“Well, at least we can count on rejected girls being on the spin-off,” Claire interjects.

I wonder silently if I will turn into one of those rejected girls after Graham has his way with me. Despite what Claire has already shared about Sophia, I am not convinced of her heartbrokenness. She and Graham look so perfect together that not even Photoshop can enhance them. I am pretty sure that in the end, I will be the one that ends up broken.

The show is a quarter of the way over when an out of breath Resa bursts through the front door. She quickly turns and fidgets with the deadbolt to get the lock to click.

“What’s wrong?” Claire and I ask in unison, bolting upright over the sound.

The guys jump up from their seats and move toward Resa. They check the window to see what has happened that has gotten her so rattled.

“I…he…there…them…” she trails off, pointing out the window toward the sidewalk.

I make my way over to Blake and Zander to try to look outside. I see nothing out of the ordinary. Just some cars parked in the lot and a college-aged female walking her dog under the streetlights.

Claire directs Resa to the sofa and offers her a drink of water. The show is playing in the background, but no one seems to have an interest in it now.

I kneel down in front of Resa on the floor. “What happened out there, Resa? Did someone hurt you?”

Resa puts her elbows on her knees and bends over to rest her head in her hands. When she goes back to sitting up, tears streak her face, marring her makeup.

“I”—she sniffles—“was trying to get a workout in and decided to just walk from the Campus Smoothie Cafe after I grabbed a green drink.”

I frown at her. The cafe is miles away. This whole needing to please her boyfriend has me worried.

“Go on,” I encourage.

“Well, when I turned the corner for your row of townhouses, I noticed a car was following me. I have no idea for how long, but I just had that creepy feeling. You know, when the hair on the back of your neck stands at attention? I took off running. And a couple of guys jumped out of the backseat and started to chase me. I didn’t even get a chance to look at them. I was so freaked out that all I could think about was getting inside where I knew it was safe.”

Claire hisses. “Holy shit.”

I am speechless. This could have been any one of us. This is the block I live on, and my once safe haven is now bringing me to paranoia.

“Should we call the police?” Zander asks.

“Nothing illegal happened, though,” Resa says sadly. “I don’t even have a description of the vehicle or the men.”

Zander pulls his phone out of his pocket and moves into the kitchen.

“But maybe the police can question our neighbors and maybe someone has a security camera or something and could have caught a license plate or a face or something,” I counter.

“We’re poor college kids. No one can afford cameras,” Resa cries.

“Something needs to be said so that if this happened before, there is a record.”

“Angie has a point,” Blake agrees. “This might be a pattern.”

“Zander, did you call?” Claire asks when he enters the room again.

“Yeah, they should be here in less than five minutes.”

I grab the remote for the TV and shut it off. Claire grabs a blanket from the back of the couch and wraps it around Resa. Blake makes hot herbal tea for her and serves it with lemon and honey.

It’s nine p.m. when two officers—one male and one female—arrive to take Resa’s statement.

“So, this is our fourth call tonight in a three-mile radius,” the female officer explains.
