Page 119 of Spark of Obsession

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“I so want to hit you right now,” I admit, my fingers balling into tight fists. I press them against his chest, pushing him back a few inches. “You know better than anyone that I have it in me.”

“You aren’t in the position to deliver punishment, Angie.” His sexual innuendo and promise are evident in his tone. The man is impossible. “And from what I can tell, what we just did on the couch wasn’t punishment at all for you. No, kitten, you enjoyed yourself very much.”

“Go fuck yourself,” I snarl.

I watch as Graham saunters over to his desk and opens the top drawer. I stare in confusion as he rustles some documents and office supplies.

“With this?” he asks, holding up the most ridiculous dildo. It is the size of my forearm.

I burst out laughing. The sight of him holding the shiny neon-pink cock is too much. It looks heinous. “That”—I giggle—“arrived”—more giggles—“faster than expected.” I blurt out the last words with a rush.

“Oh, the joys of the postal service,” he responds sardonically.

I can’t stop giggling.

His smirk lets me know he is not mad but rather entertained by my gesture.

I walk over to him and reach for the dildo. I hit the power button and am alarmed at how loud it is. I quickly drop it onto the desk.

“Holy shit, that is loud,” I say, watching the thing pulse and jump over the polished wood.

Graham grabs the cock, turns it off, and places it back into the drawer. I can tell he is amused.

“Glad it arrived in one piece,” I say with a huge smile.

“You forgot to read that the shipping box would not conceal the contents,” he responds bitterly. “Why a company that sells sex toys would not package them more discreetly still boggles my mind. It was a lovely surprise when my personal assistant delivered my mail.”

“It was not an oversight,” I giggle.

He turns and rests his body against his desk, staring at me with mirth. “In front of several of my employees,” he clarifies with a head shake.

I laugh even harder to the point of tears.

“What am I going to do with you, Miss McFee?”

“Nothing,” I say confidently. “Because I’m not yours to worry about. And as much as I am drawn to you, I know that you don’t play by the rules, and that scares me. So I’m not going to date you, Graham.”

“You already are. Unless you want to quit the agency. Pick a better type of job.”

“You can’t cancel dates that I’ve already booked.”

“I already have. It’s done.”

“Technically I suppose.” I shrug matter-of-factly. “But I’m not going out with you when you play like this. Even if just out of principle. Plus, I still have someone on the back burner who deserves to have my time since he plays by the rules.”

“Stay away from Tanner!” he shouts, reading my between-the-lines message clearly.


“Because you don’t know him! You’re a means to get to me. He saw that the first night we went out. He’s using you. He doesn’t have your best interest in mind!”

“Oh, like you do?”

“Here are your choices, Angie. Keep your job and date me. Or quit your job and date me. I am not going to sit back and watch you gallivant around the city with a bunch of men who are going to take advantage of you. Damn Claire for getting you involved in the first place. She has no idea what she has set into motion.”

“Leave her out of this,” I defend. “It was my decision.”

“Make up your mind.”
