Page 120 of Spark of Obsession

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“What about the option of keeping my job and going about my business as usual?”

“Not an option. You have already refused my proposition. Now I’m removing your choice and doing things my way.”

“You don’t have a say!”

“Why won’t you date me?” he asks, moving from his perch to stand in front of me. “You obviously like the aspect of the agency to never want to quit voluntarily. I have provided you with a generous stipend. What’s the problem? You want more money?”

“Screw you!”

He throws his hands up into the air, glaring down at me. “You drive me crazy, woman. Utterly crazy!”

My hands move to my hips, as I stand my ground. “You are stripping away my independence. I don’t think you understand how hard I have worked to stand on my own two feet. You don’t get it because you didn’t know me before now.”

“Tell me.” His voice softens from his outburst. “I want to listen and learn.”

I shake my head in refusal. I’m not ready to expose my heart like I have already exposed my body.

“Sweetheart,” he soothes into my ear. “You don’t understand how ruthless the world is, and I would hate for you to get hurt by trusting someone who isn’t worthy of it.”

I start to pace again. I’m so on edge that I think I’m about to go crazy.

He pulls me close—halting my back and forth walking—crashing my hips into his thighs.


“I want you, baby. To take care of you. You have me slowly losing my mind with worry as you continue to go out on these dates with men you do not know. Yes, they have been background checked with the agency. But that doesn’t mean that they don’t have ulterior motives. I have boundary issues, and you test literally every one of them.”

“Am I even your type, Graham?”

“What’s that supposed to mean? Of course you are, baby.”

“You sure you don’t prefer blonde girls? Ones who are better candidates for what your wealth and persistence can deliver to them?”

“If you are referring to the article in the Sunday paper, I can explain. Sophia and I go way back. It’s business. Quit looking at me like that. Let me explain. My publicist insisted on getting more exposure for the jewelry line. Sophia is the exclusive model for the marketing team. She has been on payroll for several months and is under contract. It is all for show. The media eats up that kind of crap and loves to spin their wheels, making something out of nothing.”

Wait. Sophia is the face of this company. I am an idiot. Realization hits me, and the pieces start to come together. I pull away from Graham and take a step back. If they aren’t sharing beds now, it will only be a matter of time before they default back to their old habits. She has fire in her eyes, and her conversation that I eavesdropped on inside the restroom basically spelled out her desire to get Graham back. Plus, working together in close proximity is the prime method for starting work-related relationships—or rekindling them. I glance over at the sofa that I sat on five minutes ago and cringe over the thought of them having sex on it in the past. After nearly throwing up in my mouth, I shake my head as if trying to exorcise the thoughts.

“You don’t need me to be your companion, Graham. You have her. And even your business associates are supporting that idea. So run with it. Embrace it. Otherwise, I’ll just feel cheap if you continue to pursue me.”

His frown forms on his lips, wrinkles creating ridges around his eyes. “I never want you to feel that way. I just want to ensure that you are safe and to be with you. Only you. I can’t change what happened in my past. But that is what it is—the past. I want you to be my present and who knows, maybe even my future. I have no idea how to explain this need to keep you from harm. It is irrational yet real. You do something to me that I cannot comprehend in full capacity. I can’t pretend how you affect me. You control me.”

What…I control you?“I don’t need to be rescued. I can take care of myself. This isn’t going anywhere,” I confess, frustration pouring out into my words. “I need to go. I need space.”

“I would love for you to stay. I can get Hanna to change my schedule. Angie, please—”

“No.” I take a deep breath. “I’m going to give you twenty-four hours to remove your money from my pending account and put my profile back in its original condition before you tampered with it. If you don’t do this during the time frame I have suggested, I’ll go to Entice’s HR department and cause a newsworthy ruckus. You don’t need to agree or disagree with this. Just know that it will happen.”

He takes one step toward me, and I back up two. “Don’t do this.”

“Twenty-four hours."

I make my way over to the chair where my bag and coat lie. The exhaustion from the mental stress of the day incapacitates my energy levels. I feel his presence on my back. The heat from his body only reminds me that I am playing with fire and that I could very well get burned. He lifts my coat with one hand and eases each of my arms into the sleeves. I sling my bag over my shoulder and make a beeline for the door.

“This isn’t over,” he whispers. “I’m not backing down.”

I acknowledge his statement with a nod and exit the office through the heavy door. I find Collins on his feet. I wave to Hanna on my swift walk toward the exit, averting my eyes from the red-lipped poster, knowing now who the model is. My movements are all physical and meaningless, as I am unable to be genuine when I feel so lousy and overcome by confusion. Collins senses my dismay and maintains his strictly professional demeanor, avoiding eye contact. For that, I’m glad. If he looks at me, I’m not sure I will be able to keep from crying. Despite acting like I have the upper hand with Graham, I know that deep down I am a fragile mess. My heart presses against my chest, mourning the loss of yet another person who has made an impact in my life.

Without a word, Collins drives me back to the university and helps me out. He waits in the parking lot to ensure that my car starts and I am safely on my way before pulling out of the lot himself.
