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Jax scowls at him. “Stop.”

“What?” Hunter asks innocently.

Zay sighs and grumbles, “Jesus, here we go. We always have to have a comedy show going.”

A giggle tickles at the back of my throat. I try to hold it back but fail epically. “You guys are funny.”

Zay’s hard eyes narrow in on me. “Don’t encourage him.”

“No, please do encourage me.” Hunter grins at me, and I smile back. Then he smirks at Zay. “See? Raven thinks I’m funny.”

“I’m pretty sure she doesn’t,” Zay disagrees. “I think she’s just tolerating you.”

They start arguing back and forth.

I glance at Jax. “Is this normal?”

Jax crosses his arms and shrugs. “Sort of.”

“Oh.” My brows dip together as I redirect my attention back to Hunter and Zay, who are now arguing about who ate the last of the cereal this morning. I have no clue how the subject shifted, but what I’m really starting to wonder is … “Is this why you guys brought me here? To show me that you like to argue? Because, if so, point totally proven.”

Jax chokes on a laugh then smashes his lips together.

Zay again narrows his gaze on me while Hunter just smiles and shakes his head.

“I think we’re gonna have our hands full,” he remarks, but I’m uncertain who he’s speaking to.

Zay assesses me intently and with a hint of curiosity. “That we might be able to agree on.”

“She should get bonus points for that, then,” Jax suggests, uncrossing his arms.

“And maybe she should get bonus points for making you smile,” Hunter retorts. “Twice.”

I feel completely out of the loop, like they’re talking around me. “I hate to break up this conversation and everything, but I really would kind of like to know why Hunter brought me here.” I pause. “Not that I don’t like learning all about you guys’ little quirks, but we are sitting in the middle of the woods in the dark, so …”

“Are you scared of the dark?” Zay questions, watching me.

I shake my head. “No, not really. It’s more that I’m in a car with three guys I barely know, one of which I know isn’t a huge fan of me.”

“You sat in my seat,” Zay says like it explains everything.

“I didn’t know it was your seat when I did it,” I reply. “And the teacher told me they weren’t assigned.”

“Well, you could’ve moved when I asked you to,” Zay points out, resting his elbow on the back of the seat.

“Maybe I could’ve, but in my defense, you didn’t really ask. You just told me to move,” I remind him. When his eyes narrow, I sigh. “Look, I’m sorry for being a pain in the ass, but I was just … I don’t know, a little nervous about it being my first day of school.”

“You have a strange way of showing you’re nervous,” he says, his gaze dissecting me.

“I know,” I agree. “I’m kind of a weird girl.”

“Hmm … I guess you should fit in well with us then,” he mutters then blows out an exhale. “I’m sorry for snapping at you in class.”

“Apology accepted.” I stick out my hand for a fist bump.

He briefly stares down at my hand then looks up at me. “Yeah, you’re definitely fucking weird.” He fist bumps me then lowers his hand. “Now, on to the important stuff.” He looks at Hunter. “How much did you tell her?”

“Not much,” Hunter replies, slipping off his hoodie. “I told her why I was there—that someone hired me to look into her uncle and find out why his past is such a mystery.”
