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“Hey.” Fingers brush across my chin, startling me.

When I glance up, I find that Hunter is the one who just touched me. He also has a soft smile on his face.

“You don’t need to be ashamed of that,” he says. “Trust me; all of us understand the whole having a traumatic past thing.”

I swallow thickly. “Really?”

He nods, that kind smile remaining. “Yeah, really.”

I’m unsure why, but for some reason that makes me feel better, as if I’m not as much of a freak as I thought. It’s kind of a nice moment for me.

Well, until Zay mutters, “Shit.”

He’s looking at his phone.

Hunter flicks a glance at him. “What is it?”

He holds up the phone, showing video footage of what I think is the road that runs in front of our house. And on the road are headlights.

“You guys put a video camera up here?” I ask in surprise.

Zay lifts a shoulder like it’s no big deal. “It’s part of our protocol.”

My lips form anOas I struggle to process everything.

“I know it’s a lot to take,” Jax says to me. “It’ll get easier.”

“If she agrees to help us,” Zay intervenes. “If she doesn’t, it might get complicated if she doesn’t keep quiet about what she knows about us.”

“I’m not gonna tell anyone, if that’s what you’re implying,” I tell him, raising my chin in confidence. “I’m not a narc.”

“Good to know you think so,” he says with a smirk, “but I’ll have to see for myself.”

I narrow my eyes at him, about to smart off, when Hunter speaks first.

“I think that’s your aunt’s car,” he announces. “We should probably get you back to the house.”

“Good idea,” I agree, because the last thing I need right now is to get busted for sneaking out. Though I’m not positive anyone would really care.

Still, they seem eager to leave, Hunter jumping out of the car and scooting the seat forward.

I duck my head to climb out, and then Hunter starts to shut the door.

“Wait,” Jax says in a rush. “I thought we were going to trade numbers with her?”

Zay gives him a funny look. So does Hunter.

“I’ll give her your guys’ numbers while I walk her back to her house,” Hunter tells him. “And I can give you hers.”

“Okay.” Jax relaxes in the seat.

Hunter closes the door, snags ahold of my hand, and guides me back into the trees. He remains silent for a while as we hurry back toward my backyard.

“You won Jax over pretty quickly,” he abruptly remarks, moving a tree branch out of our way.

“I did?” I ask, nearly tripping on my face when I stumble on a rock. Luckily, Hunter has a hold of my hand and stops me from falling.

“He rarely talks to anyone, so yeah, I’d say you won him over pretty quickly.”
