Page 86 of Cosa Nostra

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I'm sorry I didn’t give you those moments.

But I did give you the happily ever fricking after. The house. Marriage. Baby. Placemats. . . peace will come later. . .

Bronson will make sure of it.

This is Bronson Butcher’s story. . . things are going to getCRAYZAY. . .

“She slapped me, kissed me, and then saved my life. And that was all before I even knew her name.

What can I say?

I like that in a girl.”

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More than wine.

More than a cuddle.

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Editorial notes: How could you?

Dear Nicci,

An editor shouldn't have favourites. I love every story I work on. . . But this one?Jeebus.

I have screamed and cried over Cosa Nostra. I have cursed you and called you a genius. This book, this couple, is definitely one of my all time favourites, and you're a monster for making it end. And that ending!Ugh.That tore me up. How could you?

Max crying. Cassidy crying. Me crying...

This book had all the feels and I am both nervous and excited to edit the next one. Because I love Bronson, and I know you're going to make him hurt. You're going to tear him apart to build him back up and that is going to absolutely wreck me. Going to kill me as I suggest ways to twist that knife even further. . .

Perhaps one day, you can write an alternate universe where the boys didn't grow up surrounded by so much darkness. And then another with Max and Cassidy meddling in Kelly's love life as she falls in love. Basically, just keep writing this series, this world, so my favourite couple never ends.

- Mri Grout @writingevolution.

Have you read book one?

He is desperate to remember.

She will destroy everything to forget.

Konnor:Up until now, my life has been a mirage of sorts. Of dark, lonely places. Of bourbon and women. I don't care. I think I'm pretty happy really.

But then she happens. . .
