Page 87 of Cosa Nostra

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Blesk:He wants me. He'll do anything, drop everything, to have me. But when he uncovers who I am and what I've done, he'll rue ever facing me.

I've already buried everything he loves. . .

We both have secrets. Mine are harrowing. His, heart-breaking. Just merely being together threatens to expose everything we have tried to escape.

Will finally facing our past bring us peace or. . . spark chaos?

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Have you read book two?

It is the start of something beautiful. . . .

“ Wow. I did enjoy Blesk and Konnor in book one but I LOVE Max and Cassidy. The world isn’t always black and white or good and bad. Max is part of a dark world and Cassidy is in the light” - Samantha.


She's a good girl with the whole world at her feet.

He's a bad boy with his foot on the world.

My best friend calls it a kind of infatuation. Of obsession. There is always one name playing on my lips -Max Butcher.

The notorious bad boy of The District.

An unapologetic menace.

Hot to the point of physical discomfort.

Dangerous. . .

So he finds me infuriating and wants to keep me out of his business and both away from him and other men. He wants to protect my body - protect my innocence.

But not even Max Butcher can stick to his guns.

And the further into his world I'm led, the more danger gathers. . .

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I am an emerging author of the dark romance genre. This is my third book.

This is what you can expect from me. . .

Sex. Sex.

Awesome sex.

Oh, and the below stuff too. . .

In all my books, the hero is typically the jealous type. The over-protective type. The dreamy type. He has a single minded infatuation with the heroine. He is no angel. He fucks up. But in his own way, he will look after her. Take care of her. His girl. Ever. Damn. Time.

"I'd die for my brothers, little one. But if any part of them ever touches you, I'll be hacking that part off." - Max Butcher, Cosa Nostra. (Coming soon)

My heroine is always strong in her own way. She is witty. She is the type of girl you would want as a friend.

I don’t do instalove unless the main characters have a past together. I don’t do instamine.

My hero will, of course, eventually claim his girl - and aggressively - but his fascination is earned over more than a single encounter. It builds. It eventually bursts.
