Page 13 of Her Way

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I feel it coming on quick.

Rubbing myself hard, I chase it as it lingers just out of reach. My release teases me with tiny bursts of pleasure. My other hand finds my nipple again and I pinch it between my nails. A zap of pain rushes to the coiled nerves between my folds and I’m almost there.


The front door opens and then closes.

Whimpering, I pull my hand from between my legs and try to rein in the pain caused by my lack of release. My breath comes in and out fast as I stare into the dark, feeling admittedly hard fucking done by.

The croaking of frogs and the clicking of crickets are the only sounds besides his steps moving up the staircase.

Perry enters the room, moving straight into the bathroom and switching the faucet on.God, I can feel the disappointment in the air.

I face the wall and listen to the sounds of nocturnal outback Australia.

The door to the bathroom opens and steam fills the air, adding to the already dense atmosphere. The mattress sways beneath my body, an indication he’s moving up the bed towards me.

“How are you feeling?” he asks, kissing his way up my arm to my shoulder.

I roll onto my back, and he now hovers just above me, kissing my jaw and cheeks, an obvious display of what he wants. It’s what we had planned for the night, but I thought we might talk first. . .

Staring at blond hair, I drag my hands up through it and feel him shudder beneath my fingertips. It is shorter than when we met. I was twenty-one. And fuck, it was easy to fall in love with Perry Jackson then. He was handsome, clever, respected, and he made me feel like a future with him would be easy and safe. I needed that.Easy. Safe.

“Akila was still in her nightgown when I got home,” I say delicately, hoping he’s in a good enough mood to talk about her. He’s dying for children, but every month that goes by, he seems to struggle more and more with Akila as his dependent. Even though he was so fucking eager to take us both on financially and legally. After the crash and losing our dad, I was in no state to manage her care. Or, I could have, but I would have had to quit medical school and work full time just to afford a slither of the lifestyle Perry provides for us.

I don’t thank him enough for that.

Putting me through medical school, adopting Akila, and now trying to give me everything I’ve ever asked for.I love him,I think to myself as his blond strands slide through my fingers.I do. . .

I’m just not sure I’minlove with him anymore. Unlike my mother though, I won’t be running off, because love is still love even when it’s quiet and easy.Right?

“She probably put up a fight,” he murmurs against my skin, rubbing himself into my leg. “Let’s not talk about her right now, please.”

“She doesn’t put up a fight though,” I say. “Not when I look after her.”

He tenses around me. “Goddamn it, Shoshy, I’m tired. I want my woman to help me relax and instead, you’re nagging me about Akila again? Let’s talk about this another day. Okay?”

Quickly, his mouth moves from my jaw to my lips, demanding my submission. When his tongue strokes the roof of my mouth, the image of the first boy who ever did that to me plays behind my eyes. Squeezing them shut, I look into beautiful green-blue irises.

Kissing me between pants, he thrusts into me, sliding in as I’m so wet. He dips his head into the crook of my neck, working himself in and out of me. “So wet for me.”

I want to tell him to stop so that we can talk about Akila. “Perry. Please, can we discuss this?”

He shuts me up, swallows my words, bites my lower lip until I whimper, and then plays the entire action off as intimacy, kissing me softly again. I let the conversation lay. This is scheduled sex and if he doesn’t finish, can’t finish because I’m not into it, he’ll be pissed off. And I’ll feel guilty.

So I moan.


Present day

My pen vibrateson the desk as I struggle to concentrate on the forms in front of me, my attention drawn elsewhere. Through the glass screen overlooking the nurses’ station, I can see them huddled together, chatting and giggling over who is going to check his vitals next.

They have never been so fucking efficient.

I should be glad they are taking his well-being so seriously, but I simply want to bitch slap every one of them at the exact same time. And I’m moody as all fuck because I’m ovulating; I hate this time of the month. It must be blatant in my posture or expression because no one has approached me since I sat down to fill in this stupid report. Either that or Perry has told everyone to leave me alone. That thought alone makes me feel ten years old.

I glance down at the words on the chart in front of me, then back to his door at the sound of Nurse Jade entering his room. Inhaling a deep breath, I breathe out slowly as I watch the closed door intently, my eyes now glued to it.
