Page 17 of Demon’s Reign

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“I’ve heard it’s magic,” Cassie squealed beside me.

A smile spread across Eurell’s face and she pulled a leather waterskin from the array of assorted objects on her belt. She poured the liquid into the bowl, then directed her attention to her audience.

“Come see, children. This is one of the gifts you are granted as Lilitha’s daughters. Her blood makes you more than you are, more than human. And yes, it may appear to be magic, but it’s divinity. Wielding such power takes years of practice, constant honing of your gifts, and the greatest of concentration, as does any skill you desire to master.” The priestess removed a small pouch from her belt and, loosening the leather ties, dumped a sprinkling of dried herbs, berries, and roots into the palm of her hand.

“Now, can any one of you tell me all the different plants I’m holding?”

“Um, poppy seed?” Cassie offered, pointing out the obvious black seeds.

“Very good, anyone else?”





The priestess flashed a pleased smile. “You’ve learned well, young ones; I’m proud of you. You’ve guessed a lot of the plants here, yet others you have overlooked. A harmless enough mistake now, yet in a different situation, one that could cost another their life.” Loud gasps sounded around me, and I stared wide eyed at my teacher, death nothing more than a distant fairy tale in my young mind.

“This is nightshade,” the priestess said, holding up a dried berry that I’d thought was just a blueberry. The priestess picked out a small brown seed. “And this is a castor bean. Only a few of these are needed to kill you.”

The girl to my left burst into tears. “I don’t want to die!”

The young priestess behind her knelt to comfort her, pulling her into her arms with gentle shushing noises.

“No one is going to die today,” Eurell murmured. “But you need to be aware of the power you possess and the responsibility that brings. As you progress in your journey as priestesses and healers, and princesses, you must be sure of everything you do. Never abuse your gifts. Error is not an option. As such, if you ever have doubts about the plants you are using, do not proceed until you are sure of their identity and nature.”

“But how can we do that?” Tarra asked from beside the high priestess.

“I’ll show you.” Eurell returned her handful of plants to its proper pouch, then turned to the priestess behind her and nodded. “Iya has prepared a blend of herbs that I have yet to see, smell or touch.” She then dipped the tips of her fingers into the previously prepared bowl of water and closed her eyes.

The priestess moved around her, opening a different bag of dried plants into the water. Nothing seemed to happen. The water stilled, dry herbs sticking to the high priestess' fingers. We all watched with bated breath.

“As I concentrate, I am able to feel the very nature of the plants within the water. They reveal themselves to me, and once I know what they are, I can bend them to my will.” A moment later, she began naming off different plants, and the particles in the water separated accordingly.

I blinked, the memory fading. It had been a simple demonstration—one I’d never gotten to learn as an heir wasn’t taught to harness their inner divinity—yet fascinating as well, and one that might just save my life.


Different Strategies

Theputridsmellofrotting grapes mingled with sweat, and every strain of herb under the sun assaulted my senses. I tried not to gag. Again.I’ve done enough ofthatfor today, thank you very much.

Tarra turned beside me, her pale blue eyes glowing in the golden aura of the lantern she held. “You’re sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine.” Two days, and I still wasn’t able to keep the daughter’s brew down. My throat was raw from vomiting. I shuddered—half from the lingering memory and half from the dank air creeping into my bones. “Let’s just get this over with.” Brushing past her, I finished the descent down the stone stairs, my sore muscles screaming in protest from my continued ‘training’—if I could even call it that. I had yet to stay on my feet or get back up.

My steps echoed off the rough-hewn walls, the sound mixing with Tarra’s light pitter-patter, and the jarring clanks of the golems following behind. I’d never been down these particular tunnels and caves beneath the palace. The stairs led directly into an open cavern, several stone walled tunnels snaking off in different directions. Barrels and shelves lined the walls, gathering dust and cobwebs.

I held my hand over my mouth, trying not to breathe too deeply. “You have to work down here?”

“You get used to the smell after a while.” Tarra shrugged, retaking the lead and heading for the tunnel furthest to the left.

“The smell’s just the first of my concerns.” I eyed a group of dusty glass jars filled with some kind of gray liquid with chunks floating in it.Oof. Not wanting to be left in the dark, I scrambled back to Tarra’s side, linking my arms with hers. “You're sure no one will bother us here?”

“I’m sure. These are just the storage rooms for the winery and healing faculties. Remember all the herbs we used to grow and gather at the monastery? This is where they bring them to dry and store. Right now my job is just cataloging, sorting, and familiarizing myself with everything. Who knew there were so many kinds of plants?” Tarra laughed and continued chatting away, happy as a sprite.
