Page 25 of Demon’s Reign

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Strengths and Weaknesses

Irappedmyknuckleson Ryker’s familiar door and took a step back, my heart in my throat. A few seconds later, it opened, and my assassin appeared in the frame, dressed in a black tunic and pants. His face hardened, but I didn’t give him time to react.

“Peaches.” I offered him one of the soft pieces of fruit I held.

His brows creased, but he reached out and took it, looking as if I’d just offered him a rock rather than the most delicious fruit in the world. I turned on my heels and gestured for him to come, praying I wouldn’t lose my nerve and that he’d actually follow me—I’d look like an idiot if he didn’t.

After a moment, several more foot falls sounded, and Ryker pulled up alongside me, matching his pace to mine. His golems fell into step with Rocky and Clay, and I exhaled a shuddering breath. Ryker signed something with his hands, and I could only assume he was asking a question—whether to my earlier statement or strange behavior, I wasn’t sure. He pointed at the peach still in his hand.

“You asked what my favorite food was a few days ago—it’s peaches.”

He glanced from his peach to mine, then gestured in front of us, raising an eyebrow.

“You’ll see,” I said, trying to keep the tremor from my voice.

We continued down the winding corridors in silence, Ryker shooting me sidelong glances every now and then. I did my best to ignore him, fidgeting with the tie of my white sarong, the gold filigree bunching at my hip, leaving most of my thigh and all of my leg revealed. It matched the salmon-colored half top I wore, exposing even more white skin. I’d asked the servants for something more casual for my afternoon outing—but apparently this was as good as it got.

Needing a distraction from my discomfort, I focused on Fontaine’s earlier suggestion to make a list of Ryker’s strengths. Besides being a good enough actor to have everyone fooled, he had to be quite intelligent to finagle his way here. My eyes drifted to the peach in his hands. They were nice hands—strong, calloused—not soft like mine. His long fingers rolled the fruit back and forth across his palm. . .I wonder what it would feel like to have those fingers run through my hair—Sin!What the hell was I thinking?

Face burning, I yanked my gaze to the wooden floor beneath my feet.Focus—back to his strengths. Well, hehadtried to reach out to me first with his little note about my favorite food—yeah, just to try and weasel his way closer. . . exactly what I was trying to do now.Ugh. This game—as Fontaine called it—was way too complicated and the rules too vague. How was I supposed to know if I was winning, losing, or just digging myself an early grave? Well, anearliergrave.

We approached an entryway on our left, the bright afternoon sun filling it with light—like a portal into another world. For me, it might as well have been. My lip twitched, but I shoved the smile down. I motioned Ryker to turn through the door, excitement bubbling up inside me. We exited together, a trail of stone steps leading us out into a cobbled courtyard and to the palace stables. A light breeze greeted me, carrying the scent of warm sun and fresh straw.

“We’re here!” I said, clapping my hands together. Ryker eyed me like I might attack him at any second. Not waiting to see if he followed, I headed for the stables to our right. Sauntering between the covered stalls that housed the royal unicorns, I made my way toward the furthest enclosure at the end. A familiar screech rang through the yard, a feathered head turning in my direction as a beautiful golden griffin locked eyes with me.

“Hey, sweet girl, did you miss me?” I asked.

Answering, she plucked the peach I’d been carrying out of my hands, crushing it in her beak and splattering juice and fruit flesh all over me. I laughed, running my hands over the feathers on her soft ears. Her head jerked up, a warning hiss rumbling in her throat as she looked over my shoulder. Ryker stood a pace away, considering the beast beside me with fascination.

“Ryker, meet Arrow. The reason for our outing.”

His eyes darted from me back to Arrow, and he took a step closer. Arrow hissed again, but it turned into a curious squawk when he held out his hand with the peach in it.

“Traitor.” I chuckled. “Your affection can be bought so easily.”

Arrow pawed at the door, stretching her neck out, and Ryker moved in, letting her take the fruit. The griffin chomped it down, and Ryker ran his hands over her feathered cheek, his eyes glued to her.Hmm,so he likes animals? Arrow snatched at his sleeve with her beak, searching for more treats… and they liked him.Two more strengths to add to the list. A smile tugged at my lips, and this time I let it stay.

“Like me, she also enjoys peaches,” I murmured, passing over another one from the satchel at my side. The hardness in his face softened slightly as he took the fruit. Arrow snatched it from him before he could even offer it to her and a genuine smile—the first I had yet to see—lit his face, changing him into someone else completely.

He actually looked kind.

“I rescued her when she was a baby, and they let me bring her with me when I came to live at the palace.”

Ryker’s brow wrinkled, and fumbling with the leather pouch at his side, he removed a wrinkled scrap of parchment and charcoal. After a moment of scribbling, he handed me a note.You didn’t grow up here?

“No. The first ten years of my life I lived at a monastery. Lilitha isn't really one for raising children—she has far more important tasks in keeping the empire running smoothly.” A flash of anger slipped through Ryker’s defenses, but it was gone with a blink, and he went back to scratching Arrow’s head.

“Princess,” a familiar voice called.

Glancing behind me, I grinned. “Marshal.”

His green eyes crinkled, and he ducked his head in a slight bow, coming to stand by my side. “I’m glad you found time to visit; Arrow’s been missing you.” The griffin averted her eyes from her trainer, instead focusing her attention on Ryker and continuing her search for more peaches.

“It’s been a while.”

“It seems she’s taken a liking to you.” Marshal nodded to my intended, his eyes narrowing. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who didn’t trust him. Ryker shrugged. Marshal turned back to me, his brows furrowed. “You take care, Princess, okay?”

“Thank you, I will.”
