Page 52 of Demon’s Reign

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“Most myths are founded in some truths.”

“And how did you know what truths surrounding this myth were true?” I asked, pulling my other leg free as Ryker finished up. I went to throw my leg over Arrow’s back to slide off, but Ryker’s hand on my shoulder stopped me.

“Let me get off first, and then I’ll help you down,” he offered, working at his own ties.

“Please, I’m not that helpless.” I scoffed, and returned to sliding from the saddle.

“Princess—” Ryker’s alarmed warning cut off as my feet hit the ground. Pain shot through me like a charge of lightning up my body, and I crumbled in a heap.

“Kaleah!” Cassie rushed around Arrow. The griffin squawked, hopping away from my clumsy mess, leaving Ryker flailing for the reins, still half tied into the saddle. She screeched her disapproval when he yanked hard on the reins and leaned forward to stroke her neck feathers. She gave a hearty buck before settling under his touch as he murmured soothing words.

“I’m sorry!” I called out, feeling like an idiot for not listening to him. Ryker waved his hand dismissively. His black, windblown hair framed his face as he straightened. Keeping a firm hand on the reins, he went back to untying his legs.

“Are you alright?” Cassie knelt next to me, her hand brushing the knotted silver strands from my face.

“I think so?” I stretched out a leg, experimenting with it to see if it would still move right. Although full of pins and needles, it wasn’t broken.

“I’m sorry we flew for so long.” Cassie began to massage my legs. “I forget that you’ve never ridden before and you’re not used to it, but we had to make every second count, or else someone might have found us.”

I stopped her hands, waiting for her to meet my gaze. A breath later, she looked up, uncertainty in her blue eyes. “Cassie, what are we doing here?”

She hesitated and took a deep breath. “I’ve wanted to leave for sometime now—ever since we left the monastery, if I'm being honest. I couldn’t stand the thought of anyone taking you from me, much less the woman who’s supposed to be our mother.” Her lips pulled back in a snarl, but she relaxed somewhat when I took her hand in mine. “I knew I couldn’t be rash, that if I wanted to be successful in an attempt to escape, I only had one chance to get it right. I’ve been studying the myths and legends surrounding this place for years now, with the help of the priestesses. I thought I had more time, but the Ascension got moved up and—” Cassie’s voice broke, her eyes darting across the mist to land on Alex. He was unpacking the saddle from Coal, a light smile on his face. He stroked the large beast, speaking words I couldn’t hear.

I leaned forward on my knees, pulling my sister into a tight hug. “It’s okay,” I murmured. I wasn’t sure if anything was ‘okay’, not really, but comforting her was far more important than figuring that out.

“I can’t lose you,” Cassie whimpered into my shoulder. I ran my fingers through her golden hair, unsure what to say. I couldn’t stay here. Not forever. She pulled slightly away, meeting my gaze again. “Besides, I’ll need you here to help me when my baby comes.” Her words took a moment to sink in, before she blushed, pressing her hand to her still flat abdomen.

“Wait—you’re pregnant!” I forced surprise into my voice, embracing my sister once again.

She chuckled, returning the hug. “You already knew, didn’t you?”

“No—yes.” I sighed, my shoulders slumping. There was no point in lying. She knew me too well.

Cassie leaned back, a hesitant smile on her lips. “Do you hate me?” she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

“Of course not. I could never hate you!” I rushed, grasping her hands. “Is that why you didn’t tell me? You thought I’d be mad or hate you?” I ached at the thought, but Cassie shook her head, sending her gold hair flying around her face.

“No, sweet sister. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to hurt you—”

“Hurt me?”

“Kaleah. I’ve always had everything that you’ve had to live without. Freedom, love, and now I’m carrying a child of the man I love. Your life has never been fair or easy, and I didn’t want to add more pain to the load you already bear.”

“Cassie.” I cupped her face in my hand. “No matter my situation in life, I will always rejoice in your happiness. And I’m glad I can be here to witness your greatest one yet, as you claim the honor and title of mother.”

Cassie smiled, tears brimming in her eyes and she embraced me once again. Resting my head on her shoulder, my gaze shifted to find Ryker standing a few feet away in the mist, and shock pummeled into me at the soft smile lighting his features. I blinked and it was gone, traded for his usual indifference, but I couldn’t unsee his previous look as he turned and walked away.


The First Garden

“Where’stheangelsandflaming sword?” I asked, wide eyed as I followed Cassie and Alex through the swirling white mist. Bits of deep green foliage and exotic flowers broke through the fog now and then, while birdsong filled the air accompanied by a strange rushing sound; I still had an unclear picture of where exactly we were.

“No clue.” Cassie shrugged, breaking away from her muted conversation with Alex. “Maybe we’ll still meet him.”

“That’s unlikely,” Ryker murmured from beside me, leading Coal while Arrow followed on my other side, her reins loose in my hand. She nudged me nervously with her beak, her feathered ears swiveling back and forth, eyes darting restlessly around us.

“Why’s that?” I asked.

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