Page 67 of Demon’s Reign

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I inhaled sharply, and even that amount of movement hurt my chest. My consciousness starting to drift, I tried one last time. “Ryker, please help me save my sister. I can’t live without her.”

“And she can live without you? Without her bonded? The man who owned her heart and the father of her child? Alex is dead. How do you think your sister will react? Don’t you think it’s better, kinder, just to let go now while you’re both still free?”

“No! I don’t. She’ll want to live for the sake of her child. . . she has to.” I whimpered, hoping with all my heart those words were true.

“I can take her to my people, we have healers—”

“Your people just tried to kill us! They won’t help us Ryker. It needs to be the empress.”

Ryker sighed, standing up with me in his arms. The world spun, but I forced my eyes to stay open, and the bank of the hot springs slowly came into view. Not much had changed, and my heart clenched. Alex still lay face down on the edge of the blood filled pool, my sister on her back not far from him. Her chest rose and fell in a gentle rhythm though, and my body relaxed in Ryker’s arms. He set me down next to Cassie, and I curled onto my side, reaching out to take her cold hand in mine. Darkness crept into my vision as Ryker's voice murmured in my ear.

“If it means that much to you, I’ll help you take her back. . . but I’m not staying. I won’t watch you die.”



RykerlandedCoalinthe dry grassy plains just outside the city walls. With a light pull on the reins, I instructed Arrow to follow, my arms aching from holding Cassie’s unconscious body the entire flight home. Guilt gnawed in the pit of my stomach for wishing I was riding with Ryker instead, his arms holding me close.

Arrow touched down, the grass snapping underfoot as she trotted to a stop, tucking her wings in against my legs. A brisk breeze pulled at my hair and clothes, carrying the scent of ripe fruit and fall, welcoming me home. I breathed in the familiar scent, gathering my courage as Ryker reined Coal over until he was parallel to me, his leg brushing mine.

The wind ruffled his bangs, half hiding his golden eyes as he searched my face. He opened his mouth as if to say something but snapped it shut again, pursing his lips into a hard line.

I smiled, looking down as I fought through the same dilemma. What was there even left to say? We were both set in our decisions and nothing the other said would change that, not that I wanted it to. Even if I was slowly dying inside at the thought of saying goodbye and as much as I would have loved for him to stay by my side, there was no point in him sticking around. Not when I would be gone in less than a week. No. It was better this way. Better he remained free.

“Where will you go?” I choked out, hating the weakness of my own voice. “Home?”

Ryker’s eyes grew distant, and he shook his head. “I’ve stood by and done nothing as several of my people have been tortured, murdered and killed. I’m afraid I may never be able to return to the place I once called home. Even if no one else ever knows, I will.”

“I’m sorry they had to die.” I hung my head.

“Me too.” Ryker took a shuddering breath. “A month ago, I was just like them. I thought the same way they did, and I wouldn’t have hesitated to kill you or your sister.” He looked up, meeting my gaze. “Some things have changed, Kaleah. I know more now, and I know the truth, that the blood flowing through one's veins doesn’t make them evil. But other things are still the same. My people still suffer; they are still slaves to your empress and her people. There are still those who need help, my sister included, and I won’t stop trying to free them.”

Unable to speak over the lump in my throat, I raised my hands, signingthank you.

A sad smile played across his face.You're welcome, he signed, then continued with words I hadn’t yet learned and never would. His hands slowed before stopping completely. He leaned forward, pressing his forehead against mine, a gesture I was only just starting to become familiar with. A gesture I would miss.

“Goodbye, Kaleah,” he murmured, his voice husky as he pulled away. “I’ll never forget you.”

I swallowed hard and fought not to cry. A half smile pulled at his lips, his last gift to me, before he clicked his tongue, kicking his heels into Coal’s side. The griffin lunged forward, squawking his complaints, his massive black wings pumping hard, lifting them into the air.

Arrow trilled restlessly beneath me, snapping her beak as she tugged on the reins, trying to follow. Wishing it wasn’t so, I held her back and, hollow inside, I watched until the sky swallowed Ryker whole.

My heart aching, I held my sister’s still form close and focused on keeping her upright in the saddle.Don’t think about him. He’s gone; you’ll never see him again.

Thankfully, I didn’t have time to reminisce about Ryker's recent goodbye as Arrow vaulted into the sky once more, and we broached the stone wall of the city. Shouts filled the air, and I had no need to direct Arrow as she headed for the inner wall and home. Black robes, gray tunics and armor mingled into a blur, the palace courtyard breaking into a flurry of action. “Hang on just a little longer, Cassie,” I murmured.

“Lone rider!” one of the guards called, cupping his hands over his mouth, his words growing clearer the closer we got. Arrow screeched in recognition of her home, lighting down in the middle of the cobblestones with one last push of her wings.

“Good, girl,” I crooned, stroking her neck feathers and trying to keep my heart rate under control. A group of armored golems circled, their swords unsheathed and pointed at us. Arrow hissed, raising her wings in warning. “It’s okay,” I murmured, hoping it would be. The golems would recognize us, right? A heartbeat later, the possessed bodies of rock shifted. Sheathing their swords as one, they bowed low.

“Princess Kaleah?” Marshal’s head appeared between two of the golems and he shoved his way into the circle. “You’re alive?”

Arrow snapped her beak at him, but he signaled something to her with his hands, and she slowly lowered her head and wings in submission.

“Are you harmed?” Marshal asked, keeping the fear his wide eyes and sweat beaded brow portrayed out of his voice as he neared my side.

“I’m fine, but Cassie’s not. She needs the empress to heal her.” I rushed, tugging at the leather ties on her legs. He darted forward to help, and the both of us made quick work of freeing her.
