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“I have lost someone else tae a blade,” he said.

The words had left him before he realized they were no longer a thought, and Elaine's lack of reaction or withdrawal gave him permission to continue.

He took a step back and led her to the side of the bed where he had found her when he arrived. He took a deep breath as he sat beside her.

“My wife and son were my world, Elaine. When I married Cora three years ago, I was the happiest man in the land. I could nae have imagined my life could be more content. Nae, that is, until she came tae me one evening and told me she carried our child.”

He glanced up and noted how Elaine hung upon his every word.

“The childbirth did nae come without complications and after losing much blood, we feared that Cora would nae make it through. But my wife was strong, and I think, for the sake of our child, battled for her life. She had blessed me with a beautiful son, the next heir tae rule over the clan. It was when I first held him in my arms that I realized how much more happiness I was tae enjoy in this world. Watching him grow and teaching him tae be the man I knew he would be was my life’s mission. That, of course, and loving my dear wife, who recovered well over the following weeks.”

Duncan shifted his position slightly before he continued. And though he knew what came next was the hardest part, something within him willed him to carry on.

“Four months ago, Cora and Eoin were found in the forest four miles from the castle. They had both been stabbed to death.”

Elaine suddenly gasped, her hand flying to her throat.

“When they discovered them, Cora had her arms wrapped…” Duncan’s voice broke at this point, the tears welling in his eyes. Elaine reached out her hand, grasping his in her own, wordlessly conveying her comfort. He struggled to continue as the memory of the sight of his beloved family came back to him as clear as day. And yet, he forced himself to continue. The words needed to be spoken, for like a demon that possessed him, the darkness needed to be exorcised from his soul.

“I found them. Cora had her arms wrapped around the bundle o’ our tiny bairn,” he choked. “Even as she hersel was dying, she wanted our son tae ken he was loved as he took his last breath.”

Duncan felt a lonely tear kissing his cheek, but he did not care. He was suddenly exhausted and relieved after experiencing the strangesensation of lightness, his feelings finally wrenched from his body.

Elaine drew his head toward her bosom and cradled him, rocking him gently back and forth as if he were a bairn himself. The movement was soothing, as was the regular thump of her heart against his cheek through the soft skin of her breast. They sat there for a long time, neither of them saying anything. Duncan was relieved that Elaine had not spoken, because there were no words that could have made him feel better. Perhaps she was a wise enough woman to realize this, or perhaps she simply didn't know what to say.

Eventually, he pushed himself up from her and looked at her with a soft and tender smile. “Thank ye.”

She did not act surprised at his words, and by the gentle nod of her head, she understood his meaning. “I am devastated for yer loss, Duncan,” she said softly. “And yet I ken, there are nae words I can say that will make this grief any better for ye.”

“And yet, many have tried,” Duncan sighed. “But it is as ye say. Naething will bring them back.”

Their gazes locked. He caressed her soft skin with the back of his fingers, lifting his hand to her cheek. She was silky smooth and soft to the touch. He heard the slightest gasp escape from her as he traced his thumb over the fullness of her bottom lip. He needed to replenish himself now that he had released something of such great weight. Elaine's full lips lookedappealing. The last time he kissed her, she tasted so sweet. He needed to taste her again.


Duncan pressed his lips against hers, opening her mouth with his tongue. Elaine was powerless to resist him, and she didn't want to. At first, his kiss was tender—soft, gentle, and completely divine. Then, he kissed her harder, his tongue moving quickly, flicking and curling as their passion grew. And hardly aware of it, a moan released from deep within her throat. The sound seemed to please him, for he growled in response.

Elaine lost herself.

Drowning and totally enveloped by his passion, she returned it with fervor. Her tongue wrapping around his, exploring his mouth as he did hers.

“Ye are so beautiful, Elaine,” Duncan whispered against her lips. He kissed her cheeks, moving across her jawline. “Yer skin is so soft, I want tae feel it beneath my fingertips every time I see ye.” His lips carried on until they reached the lobe of her ear, and taking it beneath his teeth, she gasped loudly as he gently nibbled it. Sparking sensations exploded across her breasts. Her nipples ached while the heat bloomed between her legs.

“Ye are so handsome as well, Duncan,” Elaine breathed, panting heavily as his actions elicited her arousal.

He chuckled then, his lips still nibbling her ear and his tongue licking at the tiny bit of flesh. “Aye o’ course, I am,” he murmured dryly. “With that ugly scar running down my face, women are queuing up tae be with me.”

“It’s only a scar,” Elaine sighed again, his tongue still pleasing her greatly.

“Oh, but I have more than just the one,” he replied.

To her great chagrin, he pushed himself away from her, glancing down at her with a smile of satisfaction. He was evidently pleased that she was so aroused by his actions.

“I will show ye.”

Duncan took a step away from the bed and lifted his shirt over his head,tossingit on the floor beside him. Elaine's eyes widened as she stared at his naked torso, but not for the reason Duncan probably assumed. Yes, he had numerous scars on his body, both large and small, but that was not what drew her attention.

The strong, muscular prominence of his body was visible beneath the scars. She'd never seen such definition, as his form dipped and rose across his stomach. As she moved her gaze upward, she was rewarded with the sight of hisbroad chest. She could tell he was a strong warrior by the width of his back. But, in all her innocence, she had no idea what lay beneath his clothes. Two large solid muscles protruded from his upper body, the muscular structure continuing across his shoulders and eventually forming the thickness of his neck.
