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It was sometime later that Duncan demanded answers.

Allison had tendedto Keir's wound, which thankfully had not been too deep, and the two women had left together. Elaine, more than anyone else, requiredattention. She began shaking uncontrollably not long after the soldiers arrived. Duncan had quietly relayed the scene he had walked in on as he moved quickly toward his mother. Lady MacDougall had taken command immediately, wrapping her arms around Elaine's shoulders and leading her out of the room.

When Samuel McKinley had arrived to take over the care of Keir’s injury, Duncan had told Allison the same. She had nodded sadly and assured him they would take good care of her. He would have liked to comfort her himself, but there were more pressing matters to address. Besides, she would likely be more comfortable surrounded by women, under the circumstances.

Duncan ordered the soldiers to take Finn to the dungeon, while Samuel helped Keir to stand.

“I will tak’ him tae his chambers and dress the wound properly, Duncan,” Samuel said.

“Thank ye, Samuel. Perhaps a tonic or something tae relax Keir would also be helpful.”

“I dinnae need tae relax,” Keir said briskly. “I’m fine. Just promise me ye’ll give that bastard what’s coming tae him,” he spat.

Duncan nodded with a determined expression. “Ye can be certain o’ that, brother,” Duncan replied coldly, feeling his hands trembling from the anger rushing through him.

Duncan stood in the dungeons, deep within the castle's bowels, in the dank, dark cave-like hovel, watching the soldiers chain Finn to the wall. He had finally allowed his rage to bubble within him, knowing that everyone he cared about was now safe and being comforted and cared for. Hepaced back and forth, impatiently waiting for the guards to finish.

“He is secure, my Laird.”

“Good. Now, leave us,” Duncan snapped.

The soldiers nodded quickly and exited the dark, stone-walled space. Duncan only turned toward Finn after hearing the iron gate clang shut behind him. Looking at the man hehad spent his entire childhood with, he noticed he was devoid of remorse. In fact, he appeared righteously angry, which was almost unbelievable given what he had done.

“Ye have nae right tae keep me here, Duncan. Nor dae ye have any right tae wear that ring,” he spat. “That belongs tae me, as does everything else.” Finn jerked his head around, clearly referring to the castle and all its surroundings.

Duncan was puzzled. But at that moment, he hardly cared. With his rage near boiling, he took a quick step forward and slammed a tight fist into Finn's stomach with such force that air propelled from his body.

“Arggh,” he cried. He coughed a little, trying to catch his breath. But a moment later, when he had righted himself, he began to laugh. “Is that the best ye’ve got, brother?”

Duncan frowned at his words and glared at him.

“Och, yer such a fool, Duncan,” Finn spat. “After all this time, ye still havnae figured it out.”

There was a part of him that wanted to know. But a bigger part of him that knew he would find out sooner or later, and with that thought, Duncan drew back his strong arm once more and landed another strike to his stomach.

“Arrgh. Good God,” Finn cried out again. Another coughing fit was followed by big gulping breaths, but he was not deterred. “Ye always were all brawn and nae brains,” he taunted again breathlessly. “Ye and Keir treated me like a slave; running yer errands for ye, looking after yer poor, sick brother, when all the while, my place has been at that top table all along.”

Duncan could stay his curiosity no longer. “What the hell are ye talking about?” he barked.

Finn sneered, his eyes narrowing with a twisted expression of delight in what he was about to say.

“Because my mother was yer father’s mistress,” Finn scoffed.

Stunned by his words, Duncan glared at him for a long moment. “Yer lying. I ken naething about any mistress.”

“Well, ye wouldnae, would ye? Our father kept my mother a secret. Just like he kept me a secret. He didnae want yer mother finding out about us. But he was such a hypocrite! Spouting all his righteous ethics, treating ye and Keir like ye were royalty, while me and my mother had tae hide in the castle so as nae tae be discovered.”

Feeling more than a little dazed, Duncan let what Finn was telling him sink in. If he was telling the truth, then the man chained up to the dungeon wall, was actually his half-brother. His older, half-brother. It was only then, that things began to make sense.

“So, all this pain, Finn,” Duncan bellowed, his angry heart heavy with the pointlessness of it all. “My wife and child’s death, and if ye had yer way, mine too, just so ye could be Laird?”

“It is my right,” Finn snarled. “When Keir couldnae be Laird, I was next in line, Duncan. Nae ye. I am older, therefore, the title belonged tae me. I deserve that ring, and I deserve all the power it possesses.” His crazed eyes made him look like a madman, and perhaps, that’s exactly what he was.

“What ye deserve, Finn,” Duncan said in a dark tone. But he did not continue, and instead showed him by swinging his fist once again and hitting him hard on the left side of his jaw. The harsh pain shot through his hand as knuckles met bone, but Duncan hardly noticed—the wrath of Finn’s actions took over everything else. Finn’s head swung wildly with another cry flying from his mouth. But Duncan did not care, and he struck him again, only this time on his right.

If he had his way, he'd pummel him until he couldn't breathe, but then he'd never find out what hehad done. He also wanted to save his strength. When he had uncovered everything, he would be free to do as Keir suggested and give himwhat he truly deserved.
