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“What is it?” she shrugged.

“Yer sister was being held by a madman. Yer only sister, with her life hanging in the balance. Why did ye nae just put the arsenic in my drink and be done with it?”

Is this a trick question?

She knew exactly why she hadn't, and it had nothing to do with her inability to take another life. Of course, she would not have poisoned anyone.But when it came to Duncan, her reasons were quite different. A heat rose in her cheeks as she reflected on how she felt for him, and she simply couldn't hold his gaze any longer.

Twisting her hands on her lap, she eventually shrugged. “I could never tak’ a life, Duncan. How could I ever live with mysel’ afterwards?”

“But he was going tae kill yer sister,” Duncan pressed.

“Which is exactly why I was going tae tell ye everything,” Elaine said. “I thought, perhaps, ye would show me mercy and help me find where he was keeping Rhona.”

Duncan continued to look at her with the same intensity. “And that is yer only reason for sparing my life? Because ye just dinnae have it in ye tae kill anyone?”

Of course, it wasn’t the only reason. But what would be the point of telling him her feelings now? After everything that had happened, surely, he would shun her.

“Elaine,” Duncan cut into her rambling thoughts. “Is that the only reason?”

Could I truly tell him? If he rejects me, I’ll nae only be heartbroken, but completely humiliated. Should I bury my feelings or nae?

Eventually, Elaine raised her eyes and looked at him. She knew what she had to say, and once it was said, it would all be over. Taking a deep breath, she opened her mouth and gave him the only reply she could.

* * *

Duncan watched her and waited with bated breath. He had backed her into enough of a corner, giving her no chance but to reply to the question he needed answered. She looked troubled, or perhaps it was nerves, but eventually, she looked at him.

“I couldnae have poisoned ye, Duncan, because I’m in love with ye. I have been in love with ye for a little while now. I simply couldnae entertain the idea o’ any harm coming tae ye. From me, or any other.” Her voice trembled as she spoke, and her wary expression indicated that her hesitation in telling him was due to apprehension about his reaction to her words.

A surge of feelings ran through Duncan’s body at her reply, and he hardly knew which to acknowledge first. Glee, delight, relief, and an outpouring of gratitude. And yet, the strongest emotion peaked them all.


A slow smile began on his lips, quickly growing to a beaming grin. Hardly able to hide his delight, he leaned forward and took her hand in his. “Ye cannae ken how yer words mak’ me feel, Elaine,” he gushed. “For I too, feel the same way about ye. I love ye and am in love with ye, and tae hear ye say the same, brings me such relief. I want ye in my life Elaine, if ye desire tae be in it.”

Her face softened, and while she looked far less wary than earlier, she still appeared unsure. “I cannae understand how that is so, after all I’ve put ye through, Duncan. Dae ye nae hate me for my lies and deceit?”

“I could never hate ye, Elaine. I am grateful for one thing that the circumstances provided; that is, they brought ye tae me. For otherwise, our paths would never have crossed. But now they have, I never want them tae part, for I couldnae imagine my life without ye in it.”


“Come in,” Elaine called when she heard a knock on her door. She stood from the chair that faced the fireplace and turned toward the door, happy that someone disturbed her dreadful thoughts. She still could not believe what had happened the previous day and she felt tired to the core.

Duncan took a single step in, and with a kind smile, he said, “I have someone here that is quite anxious tae see ye.”

Behind him, Rhona walked into the room, and upon seeing Elaine, she cried out and ran toward her. “Elaine!”


Elaine ran to meet her halfway and grabbing hold of her little sister, she lifted her into the air and pressed her roughly against her body. Her heart thundered with joy and relief, for though she had no doubt Duncan would keep his word, there was nothing that could compare to feeling Rhona in her arms once more.

She would never let her little sister out of her sight again. And while she hardly noticed, tears streamed down her face. Tears of happiness that Rhona was now safe. And though she hardly had time to consider it, something much deeper bubbled underneath. After her dark thoughts yesterday, Elaine had never imagined this moment could be possible. Yet, there they were, what was left of the McNally family, once more reunited.

Elaine eventually opened her eyes. With Rhona still tightly gripped in her arms, she looked over at Duncan who remained in the doorway. “I’m going tae leave ye two alone for a while. Perhaps, when ye’ve had some time, ye could join us in the Great Hall for dinner in about an hour,” he offered.

Elaine nodded in reply before Duncan smiled at her once more and silently closed the door.

Eventually, Rhona wiggled to get free and reticently, Elaine loosened her grip and allowed her sister down to the floor.

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