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Kendrick looked at the girl. She was unable to mask her nervousness and tiny shivers rocked her body. “Good evening,” Kendrick replied, shifting his eyes back to her father, unsure of what else to say to the landholder.

“Thank ye for this splendid feast, milaird.” The farmer raised an eyebrow but Kendrick remained silent and downed more ale. He cleared his throat, “I was a great friend of yer father, milaird, and he fervently spoke of our family’s possible alliance by marriage.”

Kendrick was exhausted as he looked at the stranger. He had no desire to hear what the man had to say. Such discussions drained him, and at times like this, all hewanted to do was go into the library and lose himself in stories, forgetting about everything that bothered him. Unfortunately, he almost never got around to it because his responsibilities were too great and his time was too limited. He saw the smiles on hispeople's faces and decided it was worth it.

Kendrick approached the girl, feigning interest. She gave him a hesitant grin. A sprig of thyme had become entangled between her two front teeth, and her gown was far too large, nearly drowning her.

She had large ears that were visible through her untamed brown hair. Kendrick thought she looked more like a sheep in a frock than a prospective bride because her eyes were too big for her head. He coughed to cover a laugh, drawing the attention of everyone in the hall.

I should be damned for my thoughts! How do I expect to be happy when I cannae even control my own mind? It is nae the lass’ fault she is nae appealing to me.

“Forgive me,” he apologized to the farmer and his daughter who were evidently embarrassed. “Tickle in my throat. Yer daughter is a fair lass, indeed,” he lied, not wanting to let the poor girl be embarrassed. “But I fear, I must turn down yer proposal.”

Confused, the farmer turned to Logan and then back to Kendrick. “But, milaird, ye are nae—”

“If that is all, ye should get seated and await the feast to begin,” Kendrick stopped him from speaking further, afraid he might say something much worse. “Enjoy yer eve.”

The farmer averted his sight from Kendrick and politely bowed. “Thank ye, milaird, we shall enjoy the feast as ye say,” he said and they walked away.

“Have ye decided on one of Angus’ daughters?” Logan questioned him.

Kendrick shook his head, not being able to say out loud that hehadto choose Lorena.

Speaking of Angus, why was he not at the feast?

“I do not see him,” Kendrick commented, hoping to rouse an answer from his uncle.

“I saw him arrive moments ago with both his elder daughters,” Logan informed him.

Cold fingers raced down Kendrick’s spine. “Ye mean Lorena… and Sophia?”

“Aye, they should be in the great hall in a moment.”

Kendrick grew restless. The hall was hotter than it should have been, and his stomach was churning. He couldn't let Sophia see him in this condition.

“Excuse me, Uncle. I shall return shortly.”

“Where are ye going?”

Kendrick stepped away from the feasting table when a soft body brushed against his arm as he was about to leave the hall.

He looked down to find himself staring right into Sophia's dark, round eyes. A smile would have been a more appropriate welcome, but he stood frozen, unable to take his gaze away from her. She was no better in her manners, as she seemed to have forgotten the existence of the world itself while staring into his eyes. It only heightened his nervousness.

“Kendrick,” she whispered, but he was too bemused to say a word.

Neither of them noticed Angus and Lorena approach. “Milaird,” he mumbled causing the pair to flinch. Sophia retreated to stand behind her father.

“Greetings, milaird,” Angus and Lorena echoed. The middle daughter curtsied, while Angus nodded with a knowing smile. “I am humbled by your gracious invitation to yer feast,” their father said.

“I am rather honored that ye accepted my invitation, Angus,” Kendrick muttered, though he struggled to keep his eyes on the man.

The man turned to his daughters. “These are my daughters—Sophia, my eldest, whom I believe ye are quite familiar with and Lorena who is my middle daughter. Ye must have met her a few times as well.”

Both girls delivered small curtseys, though Kendrick could not bring himself to watch.

“I do nae see yer wife and youngest daughter. Surely, ye must have brought them along.” Kendrick scanned the hall curiously.

“Ah, my youngest, Emilea. She is nae of marriageable age, and hence had nae reason to attend the feast,” Angus added. “Her mother thought it would be wise to stay back at the estate with her.”
