Page 11 of The Veil

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“He insists that you wear it,” she declared as she walked around to the front of my body, analyzing my appearance.

I could make out her shape and general outlines, but I could not tell what she looked like with this material over my eyes. Bewilderment rose inside me causing so many questions. Once again, I was rendered speechless.

“I know it's confusing, but he does not want you to see him so you will have to wear it,” she blurted, stating the rules. “You are to join him for every meal.” She sighed, “You will have time to get to know him when you eat together."

“I’m supposed to eat blindfolded?” my uncertainty turned to astonishment. “How am I supposed to get to know him if I wear this?” I groaned, “I'm lucky I can see where I'm going.”

“I'm Helen by the way,” she introduced herself with sympathy in her voice as she dismissed every concern I had. “If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask for me.” She placed her hand on my arm, “I will always be right down the hall.”

“Do you live here?” I inquired.

“Yes,” she replied cheerfully, “There is a full-time live-in staff, and a full-time off property staff who come here every day.”

I nodded. She took my hand, pulling me into the bathroom where she applied gloss to my lips.

“There,” she beamed, “you look perfect.”

“Thank you,” I giggled, “I think.”

Helen was so friendly, that I almost forgot why I was here. She spoke with a soothing tone. I knew she was used to women coming and going before me, so I reminded myself that I was not special to anyone here.

“Come with me, Miss.”

She escorted me down a long hallway until we came upon two doors. She pressed a button on the wall. That is when I realized that there was an elevator in the man’s home.


The doors opened.

“I don't remember this from last night,” I observed as we stepped inside, the doors closing a few seconds later.

“You took the stairs last night,” she noted, “but I didn't think you would want to bother with the stairs, a blindfold and heels this morning.”

I snickered, “Good thinking.”


The doors opened again. She hooked her arm in mine, leading me through several corridors until we arrived at a set of large, mahogany, double doors that stood at the end of a small hallway. I could not see much but I could tell they were impressive as was the entire house. I sighed, my nerves cracking. Fighting back my emotions, I gulped.

“What's his name?”

“He will answer what he wants you to know,” she alluded as she opened the doors before I had a chance to respond.

Warily stepping into the large room, I inhaled, apprehensive of the unknown before me. Surprised, I jumped when I heard the doors close, the room falling completely silent. I tried to search for any sign of life, but it was hopeless. The lace allowed me to see very minimally.

Moments later, I finally caught a glimpse of movement behind a grand, wooden desk. Clearing my throat, I awkwardly shifted my weight back and forth between my feet, fidgeting with my fingers. Assuming that I was in the presence of the man who bought me, I remained quiet, allowing him the chance to speak first.

“Walk closer.”

I faltered in his direction, obeying, yet uncertain of my immediate future.

“That's good,” he snapped, raising his hand, signaling me to stop.

I froze instantly, scared to take another step toward him. Placing a hand on my chest, I inhaled deeply before dropping my hand to my side. Unable to predict what would happen next, I remained silent. I did not know this man or what he was capable of.

“How did you sleep?” he inquired as he leaned back in his chair, causing it to slightly creak.

I closed my eyes, exhaling slowly before I was able to reply. “I slept okay.”

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