Page 14 of The Veil

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I gulped at his deep, husky tone just as the doors opened. He swiftly let go, taking a few steps backward.

“That wasn’t so bad was it?” Helen called out, interrupting the moment.

Shuffling over to me, she took me by the arm, escorting me out of the room in an instant. I kept glancing backward, but the man’s gaze had shifted to the floor. As soon as the office doors were closed behind us, she pulled the blindfold off my eyes.

“Won't he be angry?” I frowned as my eyes darted around the wide hallway.

“No,” she gestured for me to walk. “He will be in his office for a while and when he is not present you do not need to wear it.”

As she exited the room, I sighed, unable to watch her. Picking up a letter opener off my desk, I grumbled, throwing it toward the wall across the room. Rolling my eyes, I angrily slid my phone out of my pocket. I made a phone call to some of my men, informing them I wanted to see them immediately. While I waited, I poured a glass of whiskey.

Slouching in the chair she was in moments ago, I stared ahead blankly sipping my drink. What had I gotten myself into? There is no way that this would ever end peacefully. Suddenly, my office doors swung open as five of my men marched in. I stood, adjusting my suit as I spun around to face them.

“Close the fucking door,” I mumbled, grinding my teeth in mental turmoil.

My business partner and best friend, William, stepped ahead of the others. His eyes scanned the room, then fell on the letter opener sticking out of the wall.

“Judging by the knife in the wall,” he chuckled, “I’m guessing she told you about Jesse, didn’t she?”

Rolling my eyes, I chugged the rest of my whiskey before responding. “Letter opener, not knife,” I sighed as I closed my eyes, exhaling, “and yes she did.”

“Thought so,” he murmured, turning to the rest of the men in the room then back to me.

“I want that mother fucker brought to me immediately," I demanded. I was failing masking my emotions. “Do not harm him as he is mine and I want to watch him suffer,” I snapped, slamming my glass down on my desk. “He touched her!”

“She is safe now,” William nervously reassured me, “and he did not ever get far with her from what Tanya said.”

“Is she here?” I exhaled, rubbing my temples with my fingertips, trying to relieve the stress. “I want to see her if so.”

“She is here yes,” he confirmed, glancing at the door where one of my security guards was standing. “Would you tell Tanya to come in here please?”

My guard bowed his head and exited the room to retrieve Isabelle’s best friend.

4 Call me Sir

Tanya apprehensively staggered into my office, her eyes darting around the room at my men as if she were in distress. She glanced to William for reassurance, shyly twisting her lips into a small smile. He bowed his head toward her, giving her a small wink as she slowly approached me. Towering over her, I lowered my gaze onto her fearful eyes.

Removing my pistol from my waistband, I laid it on my desk, eliminating the threat from the situation. She anxiously fidgeted with her fingers as she observed my every move. Sauntering to my table of liquor, I poured myself another glass of whiskey as I turned around. With one hand in my pocket and the other holding my drink, I strolled back to my desk. My eyes never left hers. Setting my glass down on my desk, I clasped my hands together, causing her to jump.

Smirking, I strode to my safe with all eyes in the room tracking me. Pushing my index finger on my safe's biometric sensor, I unlocked it and the door popped open. Pulling out a small stack of bills, I then closed it before counting out five thousand dollars for her, returning to my desk. Wrapping a small band around the bills, I tossed the stack in her direction before I sat down, locking eyes on hers once again.

I nodded toward the chair, “Sit.”

Glancing at William for approval, she tucked her skirt under her as she slid into the seat then crossed her leg. Lacing her fingers together, she waited for me to speak as William moved behind her, resting his palms on her shoulders.

“You saved her life, you know.”

“I would do anything for her,” she sighed, “and I agree that auction was the best way to get her here for you.” Leaning forward, she pushed the stack of money in my direction. “I appreciate the money, but I cannot take it since I did it for her, not the money.”

I do not take no for an answer. Reaching forward, I slid it back toward her and glowered before sitting back in my chair, crossing my leg. William moved next to her and she stood, uneasily trembling.

“You don't have a choice,” I retorted, as I stood, sliding my hands into my pockets.

She promptly reached for it, grabbing it, and shoving it into her bag without further question.

William exhaled, relaxing. “I was so scared that mother fucker was going to keep bidding against you.”

Rubbing the back of my neck, I massaged out the tension from my body. “Who was that guy anyway?” I inquired as I searched the faces of my men.

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