Page 18 of The Veil

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“Um,” she swallowed hard, barely able to communicate, “okay, Sir, it is then.”

That was all it took. I reached for her, running my fingers through her hair once again. I gripped tightly, slightly bending her neck backward. Leaning further, I observed myself on the brink of caressing her neckline. I could no longer resist the urge. Just as my lips pressed against her nape, my phone rang. As I rapidly withdrew from her, she let out a forced sigh. I glanced at my phone to see it was William. I swiped the screen, answering.

You have news for me? I sharply asked.

He muttered,They have him and are heading to the house.

Have them meet me in the tunnel, I commanded.And, what's their ETA?

Okay, and approximately three hours, he quickly stated before he hung up without further conversation.

Smiling, I placed my right hand on Isabelle’s hip. Her mouth was agape in shock at the moment we had shared seconds ago. I had to leave, and she needed to be able to eat in peace.

“I will leave you to finish eating without obstacles,” I chuckled.

Dropping her gaze to her lap, she nodded, her chest heaving slightly. I could not tell if she was disappointed or relieved. Moving my hand to her thigh, I rested my palm on her soft skin.

“Unfortunately, I have somewhere I need to be soon, and I have to change clothes.”

She nodded once again but did not speak.

“Would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow night?” I asked as I slid my hand a little further up her leg. “We will still have breakfast and lunch together too,” I reassured, “but, dinner will be a bit more special.”

She smiled faintly, as if she were trying to appear agreeable, but I sensed that was not the case. Something was bothering her. A part of me felt uncomfortable seeing her so distraught. Unable to tell her what was really going on was killing me, but I had to remain smart about this to protect her.


I leaned forward, pressing my lips against her cheek before I stood to my feet, leaving the room briskly. I did not wait around to see her reaction.

I stood in the middle of my closet, replaying the moment with Isabelle in my head. I could not believe how close I had come to breaking, causing me to give in to her. Just as I was getting lost in my thoughts, my phone vibrated. Sliding it out of my pocket, I opened my text messages.

We are in the northeast tunnel with Jesse.

Inhaling deeply, I slid my phone into my pocket then pulled my shirt off before I grabbed my gun off a nearby table, placing it in my waistband. I gave myself one last glance in the mirror as I made my way to the elevator in the hall, taking it to the labyrinth of tunnels beneath the mansion that I used in case I needed to ever escape. I had them constructed for safety reasons.

Just as the doors opened, a dark hallway began to illuminate with a trail of lights as I moved out of the elevator. I stomped indignantly to where my men held Jesse captive. Clenching my fists in rage, I felt the pressure tinge my knuckles white.

“Heyyy Mr. Greco,” Jesse smiled.

Ignoring him, I turned to William, “That was faster than I thought it would be.”

He smirked.

Blaine chimed in, “He was easy to find.”

“What are you guys up to?” Jesse breamed.

It was taking everything in me not to pull my gun out, ending him instantaneously, but I craved for him to suffer. Pacing before him, I took a few deep breaths gathering my thoughts before I came to a stop in front of his unsuspecting face.

“You clearly don't know why I have invited you here.”

“Probably to play poker or something?” He crossed his arms as he shrugged. “You guys are in my bar all the time and sometimes play it.”

I lifted my hand to my chin, glancing at William. “Actually,” I corrected, my eyes trailed back to Jesse, “you have been sexually harassing your employees and I'm not really okay with that.”

Quickly averting his eyes, he glanced away, scoffing. I pulled a cigarette out of my pocket, lighting it before securing it between my lips.

“But you see,” I removed it from my mouth wagging it at him, “there is one woman in particular I’m rather outraged about.” I returned it to my lips, inhaling deeply before blowing smoke in his face.

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