Page 23 of The Whole Package

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Did you know the first time you kissed your soul mate that they would change your life?

Because I knew, the moment my lips touched Jane’s, I was done.

End of story.

Chapter Fourteen

“I never believed in love until I saw the warmth in your eyes.”



Kissing Warren… Kissing Warren… Kissing Warren was like… heaven. Bliss. Peace.

All of those wrapped up into one giant ball of “oh shit, my heart is in big trouble.”

He was sweet but firm, gentle but assertive, and as we sat there on that bench kissing the living heck out of each other, all I could think was, “Please don’t ever,everstop.”

But then, like I had put it out into the universe, Warren had bit my bottom lip, making me release a breathy gasp and pull back, he kept his fingers on my jaw to hold me there.

I could feel him looking at me, feel him wonder exactly what I was thinking but it was hard to get my eyes to open.

I could also feel a slight sting where his beard had rubbed against me and I was delighted to admit, it was all I could do to not yank him back into me and feel that burn all over again.

“Jane.” His hoarse rasp of my name has my eyes finally fluttering open and I grin at the man in front of me, the man who had been nothing but a gentleman.

I wanted a gentleman. Not someone who got off on being some high-powered executive. I wanted a man who would treat me and this life as if it was all precious.

I wantedthisgentleman.

“Warren,” I whisper back, relaxing my hands that had made their way to his thighs where my fingers dug in slightly.

“I should take you home.” His words have me recoiling slightly, making me think that maybe this wasn’t what he intended after all, maybe this wasn’t as good for him as it was for me.

“Oh.” I lean back, releasing him completely and turn to the table littered with trash from our very unhealthy dinner. “Right. Sure.” I begin picking up the trash and pile it high on the tray. I give him a beaming—but fake—smile and then stride to the trash can to dump everything in before Warren can even get up off the bench.

I pull out my phone and open the Uber app, deciding that Paul definitely didn’t need to be bothered, and no way was I going to have Warren take me home, not after that embarrassing display where I practically threw myself at him.

“Jane,” he calls from behind me lightly, his voice still rough. I don’t turn but give him a “hmm” in question, focusing very hard on the Uber app.

“Jane, please look at me.” His tone goes deeper, more pleading, so unable to help myself, I turn to look at the man. His eyes are still hot with desire, but his facial expression is tense. “I think you misunderstood me.”

Not understanding what he’s getting at, I reply. “I did?”

He nods his head and moves into my space, taking my phone from my hand and tucking it back into my bag, he then uses his hands to wrap them around my waist where he holds my lower back. There’s no escaping this hold and the intimacy of it all has me realizing that maybe Ididmisunderstand.

I’m so out of touch with dating or trying to read the opposite sex.

“There is nothing more”—he leans down until our noses are nearly touching, his eyes holding contact with my own—“that I want to do than to take you home and show you how incredibly beautiful I think you are.”

I swallow hard and move my hands to his shoulders, holding him to me.


I frown and he chuckles, leaning in to give me a peck on the lips.

“But this was our first date, and I have more respect for you than that.”
