Page 31 of The Whole Package

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Immediately I slide them over his soft T-shirt and into his hair. I love it when he wears his hair down, it’s so soft that it rivals my own. I pull slightly, testing the boundaries and his big hands slide behind my waist, gripping me to him tightly.

I love feeling completely engulfed by the man. I would let him do this to me every day if I could.

Maybe you can…

I try not to give too much hope to the voice in my head and focus on the here and now. I move my hands back down his chest. “I want this shirt,” I mumble absentmindedly.

“It’s yours,” he whispers back before pressing his lips back to mine, just as distracted by our kissing as I am.

My hands move lower, and in another astonishing moment of bravery I start to undo his belt. Unfortunately, his hands halt mine quickly.

“Wait.” He pulls at my hands and I release fast, embarrassed at my actions.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper, my voice hoarse. A rise of mortification sweeps through me and my brain tells me to flee. “I should go.” I make to move, but he blocks my way.

“No, wait,” he tells me. He leans back slightly, taking in my flushed appearance and his eyebrows draw together. “It’s okay, baby.”

My eyes well and I tip my head forward, hiding behind my hair. Godblessit. What thirty-one-year-old acts like this?

“Jane,” he mumbles, pulling my chin up with his hand, his other is gripping my right hand tightly. “Janie.”

I look up then, the nickname taking me off guard. I’ve never had a nickname. My mother deemed it undignified—ugh, quit thinking about your mom!

“I’m sorry,” I say again, much clearer. “I went too far. I thought you wanted… well, I was wrong. I’m sorry.”

“Janie,” he says again, his voice gentle. “I do want that. Hey, look at me.” I look up into his eyes, the earnest expression on his face has my posture relaxing. “I want that so bad, some days I can hardly see straight. Fuck, do I want you.”

I smile slightly at the declaration, my confidence coming back and say, “Why stop then?”

He shakes his head, his hair unruly and wild thanks to my hands. “Because.” He swallows and takes my face in his hands. “When I take you for the first time—when we make love for the first time—it will be the epitome of romance. There will be candles, flowers, wine—ah, or something else,” he corrects with a chuckle when I wrinkle my nose. “There will be a big-ass bed and nothing on the agenda for at least twenty-four hours so that I can take every morsel of goodness from you that I’m allowed.”

I swallow hard, imagining the scenario, blown away that a man like the one in front of me is offering me this wonderful picture.

“Will this happen… soon?”

He nods. “Very soon. And on a weekend where you have no social obligations. Just you and me.”

Just me and him.

Those words… I’ve never heard them sound so good.

Chapter Nineteen

“And I will swallow my pride. You’re the one that I love.”

-A Great Big World


Graham came down today with his girl Quinn and after lunch with them, we all headed back to the loft. It was damn good to see Graham so settled with someone, especially after the rotten luck he’d been having in life. Ever since he lost his mom, things had been hard for him, CT and their father.

Quinn seemed really good for him, a genuine woman. I was embarrassed as fuck when Derek and the guys kept bringing up my situation.

I was happy with how things were going, I wasn’t thrilled to be kept as a dirty little secret by any means, but I was still grateful I had the chance to show Jane just how fucking amazing we could be.

“Get your own girlfriend.” Graham cuts off Enzo who was making a beeline to sit next to Quinn on our couch and he chuckles, enjoying making Graham uncomfortable.

She laughs at us. “It would be nice if one of you did have one.” She looks around at all of us, each of us has taken the time to appreciate what her presence means for Graham. She’s basically a godsend for the man.
