Page 8 of The Whole Package

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Got it.

Well, that last one might be a challenge but hopefully she was too busy to really notice if I’m gazing longingly at her.

Good fuck. I need a mental evaluation.

I tap on the door, mail clutched in one hand, and wait for her lilting voice to beckon me in.

When it does, I enter, like a damn pirate falling for a mermaid’s siren. I hold the mail tighter and open the door, standing tall and confident like I normally do, I step into her office and look at Jane Leads sitting behind her massive desk.

Just like yesterday, her hair glows in the sunlight that shines through the window and my breath tries to leave my lungs completely.

This time, Jane looks up at me and gives me a genuine smile. “Good morning,” she tells me, nothing but kindness on her face.

I give her a small, tentative smile and move toward her desk. “Good morning.” My voice is low and rough. Usually when I’m making the rounds, people bombard me for their mail so fast that I don’t have a chance to say a word, and no one really cares whether I do or not, so I don’t have a lot of conversation, meaning I have to awkwardly clear my throat.

She doesn’t seem to notice or care, instead just gives me a sweet smile and says, “I’m so sorry about yesterday, I was horribly rude.”

My eyebrows draw together at her statement. “I don’t remember that, exactly.”

“I was. I never even introduced myself.” Jane stands and the height of her has me wanting to glance down at her surely long legs, but I refrain. “I’m Jane. I’m sure we haven’t met yet?”

She phrases it as a question and holds her hand out to me. There’s genuine concern on her face that tells me she’s hopeful we haven’t, in fact, met yet.

I’m not sure I’ve ever met such a nice human being, but here I am, completely infatuated with the woman’s looks, and then she has to go and be amazing as well.

“No, we haven’t met.” I grasp her hand in mine firmly, but the moment our skin touches I feel a zing ignite there.

Judging by her expression, the zing is one sided. Damn. Very glad I didn’t give her that poem.

“Warren Blake, ma’am.”

Jane cringes at the use of ‘ma’am’ and smiles. “Nice to meet you, please though, call me Jane. Ma’am makes me feel old and well, I’m not ready to admit defeat yet.”

I give her my most charming smile and say, “You can’t be older than twenty-five.” I already know how old she is, but I wasn’t actually lying. Her skin glows with youth.

She barks out a loud, adorable laugh and says, “Oh you are good. I’m going to have to keep you around.”

I smile and set her mail down on the edge of the desk. “Just try to get rid of me.”

Jane smiles broadly at me.

With just one small exchange, I know that whether or not I’m able to woo Jane Leads, I’m going to take every moment I can to flirt and make that pretty smile appear as often as possible.

This promotion is looking pretty damn good.

Chapter Six

“The stars,

the moon,

the infinite galaxies-

but there is still no one quite

as magical

as you.”

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