Page 105 of Making the Cut

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Sometime in the future…

“There would possibly never be any better life than the one I had right here in this moment. I never wanted it to end.” – Archer


Maybe they weren’t lying when they said that life moved at warp speed, but as I stared down at the pregnancy test in my hand that read positive, I knew that life as I knew it was about to be insane.

“Archie? You home?” I jolt at the sound of her voice and quickly tuck the pregnancy test into my back pocket. I don’t know how long Viv was keeping our little bun in the oven a secret, but I was about to blow that secret out of the water.

Truth was, I was thrilled. The second I stumbled across the test, I was already holding back tears of happiness.

In the time that Viv had become my wife, I’d never been happier. We’ve had our ups and our downs, our fights and making up, but in the end, marrying Viviana was the greatest decision of my life.

“Yeah, back here.” I walk into our room—which was once just hers—and smile when she arrives at the door. Her face is slightly paler than normal and her cheeks are already showing the roundness of pregnancy.

I don’t know how I didn’t realize it.

“Hey,” she says breathlessly, giving me a smile. She tosses her jacket onto the chair and walks into my waiting arms. “How was your day?”

I rub my hands up her back, my mind processing how to bring this up. “Great. Yours?”

“Good, yeah. I think I found my second employee.” She’s been looking to add another employee for a while now. She had Abigail and now this new one.

“That’s great.” Her arms slide lower and her hands slip into my back pocket where she finds the test.

“What’s this?” When she pulls it around between us, her shocked eyes lock on mine. “Oh.”

I raise a questioning brow. “Oh?”

She smiles and then lets out a chuckle. “Um, well, I had planned on telling you.”

“I hope so.” I give her a smile. “Viv… is this real?”

Her eyes well with tears and she nods vigorously. “Yeah, well, I think so because I keep crying and my boobs hurt and my feet are already swelling and those brand-new heels don’t even fit anymore.” Her ramble ends on a hiccup, and I wrap her back into my arms. Her words are mumbled against my chest when she says, “We’re going to be parents.”

Her words strike a chord in me, and I feel a rush of emotion choke me. I pull back and place her face in my hands. “You’re going to be the best mom ever. Our baby is so lucky to have you.”

“She’s lucky to have you,” Viv responds, wiping a tear off her face.

I pause. “She?”

She shrugs. “Just a feeling.”

I place a kiss on her lips, letting the moment be still and calm as this news washes over the both of us.

“I’m so happy,” Viv whispers against my lips and I smile.

“We’re going to have the best life. I promise to always take care of you both.”

Viv leans back and gives me her most brilliant smile, and says, “And I’ll take care of you.”
