Page 34 of Making the Cut

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I mull over his words, wondering if I should spill the truth about my feelings. Then I decide that the first person that needs to hear them is waiting for me at her apartment.

I’ll get there. I’ll tell her how I feel.


I grab my bag and make my way into the main room where, miraculously, all the guys are hanging around. It’s a rare sight to see everyone home at the same time.

“I’m just saying, have you ever even tried it?” Derek asks in a challenging tone, directing his question at Garrett.

Garrett shakes his head. “No, I have not fucking tried it. Why would I have tried it?”

“Because it’s an aphrodisiac.”

“I don’t need an aphrodisiac. Maybe that’s your problem, that you think you need one to perform.”

Derek scoffs. “I don’t need one, but I wouldn’t say no to something that would essentially help me.”

Chris speaks up, looking at Derek with a concerned expression. “You would actually try it?” I’m shoving my wallet into my pocket when I look over and see Chris’s pale face.

I walk over and lean my hands on the back of the couch, Enzo takes a seat, and Warren hands him a beer.

“What are we talking about?” I ask, though, judging by the looks the other guys give me, they would have preferred I kept my mouth shut.

“Aphrodisiacs,” Garrett grumbles, taking a pull of his drink.

“What, like shellfish or something?” I was pretty sure that was an aphrodisiac anyway.

“No,” Chris replies, his eyes comically wide.

Derek finally says, “Deer penis.”

I pause. Digest. I open my mouth. Then I close it.

The room is so quiet that I’m pretty sure the phrase “could hear a pin drop” is relevant here.

“See? Fucking weird,” Garrett says, pointing at Derek. “This fucker heard this on a podcast.”

“What kind of podcast was it?”

“It was one he sent me!” Derek points at Warren and he shrugs.

“The whole point of the podcast was the actors talking about a specific episode of their show. I should have known you would have fixated on the deer penis aphrodisiac portion.”

“You really should have,” Chris speaks up. “I mean, really, it’s Derek. What did you expect?”

I shake my head, ready to bolt, when Derek says, “Okay, but in all seriousness, they’ve made this wine…”

And I turn, grab my bag, and walk out the door.

Chapter Fourteen

“Who’s ever gotten horny while setting up a tent? Definitely not me. Definitely…not.” – Viviana


Archer’s truck pulls up, and he hops out, a wide grin on his face that I can’t help but duplicate. “Ready for an adventure?”

I laugh at him and hand over my bag when he prompts me to. “Heck yes. I think this could be fun!”
