Page 9 of Making the Cut

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Normally, it would only take about twenty minutes to get from Westminster, where I was at for my job today, to Denver. But in rush hour traffic? Well, I would be lucky to be there in thirty if I was honest.

The thought of arriving home and finding Viviana not only at my place but waiting for me was a fantasy I didn’t often allow myself to indulge in.

As a matter of fact, I didn’t allow myself to think of her much at all in recent years, knowing she was out in the world dating other people and not giving me much thought at all.

Maybe that wasn’t fair, she didn’t know the extent of my feelings. But every time I heard about Viv and one of her new boyfriends—or when Warren and Jane had a double date with them, I wanted to puke. I wanted to hit something.

I wanted to spill my guts to her.

But what good would that do? I saw how Enzo reacted to my just pretending to be with Viv for the sake of her new—hopefully—job. If I date her in real life, would he really be that opposed, or would he come around to it?

I don’t know if I will ever find out.

I pull onto the street, not able to navigate my big truck in the underground parking and head inside. I stop short of our door and sniff myself. Fuck. I wish I had a couple minutes to shower before she saw me.

I enter the loft and Warren and Viviana glance up at me, both hunched over her computer. I ignore the pang of jealousy at their proximity.

Warren was so far gone for Jane it was unreal. He’d never do anything with Viv.

I’m stewing in this jealousy for several seconds before Viviana looks at me with a broad, bright smile and says, “Hey, Archie.”

I smile back. I fucking hate the name “Archie,” but coming from her, I’ve always allowed it.

She was the only one allowed to call me that.

“Hey.” I jerk a thumb toward the hall. “Do I have a minute to shower?”

Viviana nods and replies. “Yeah, I think we need about twenty more minutes to finish up.”

I give them a nod and rush to my room, grab fresh clothes, and get to the bathroom. After my shower, I slap on some deodorant and my clothes, keeping it casual with a blue tee and jeans. I give my brown hair a quick comb through and spray myself with some cologne.

A thought enters my mind as I head back to the living room and a smile spreads across my face at the idea.

“All done?” I ask Viv, who’s packing her laptop away, Warren standing and reaching into his wallet, pulling out a wad of bills and thrusting it into her hands.

“Warren,” Viviana sighs and tries to give it back.

“No way, you’re working for me now. Consider yourself my official brand manager.”

She gives a reluctant smile. “I really don’t mind helping you. You don’t have to pay me.”

“Yes, I do. I’d have to pay someone else a hell of a lot more. You’re giving me a deal.”

She purses her lips and gives him a friendly side hug. I love seeing how well our friends treat Viv. She’s never been made to feel unwelcome here. Whenever she shows up, she’s just part of the group.

“Thank you,” she mumbles and continues to pack away her things.

Warren makes his way over to me, and I give him a chin lift. “How’s it going?”

He smiles and nods. “Good. Got some more work heading overseas soon.”

“Awesome, man.” Warren was a freak of nature with a pencil. He created lifelike artwork that got picked up by a pretty famous artist who owns galleries all over the world.

“How about you? You look tan already. Working outside?”

I shrug. “Yeah, got a job with a landscaping company but it sounds like layoffs may be happening.” I keep my voice low and am grateful that Viviana is distracted by her phone enough that she doesn’t hear what I’m saying.

Warren’s eyebrows rise and he regards me carefully. “That blows.” He seems to pause and I shrug again. “Hey, you know, I think my dad is hiring right now.”
