Page 8 of Making the Cut

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“I wouldn’t do this with anyone without an agreed-upon contract and paying them. You’re doing me a favor, a job of sorts, so I insist on paying you.”

I can tell this stumps Archer and I wait for him to process this. His eyes move over mine, searching for… something before he nods and says, “As you wish.”

I smirk at the line from one of our favorite movies as kids,The Princess Bride, and hold out my hand to shake his. “Deal?”

He smiles and envelops my hand completely with his. “Deal.”

I’m so engrossed in Archer’s stare that I barely register when Enzo says, “For fuck’s sake.”

Chapter Four

“Don’t you ever want to just sit around, eat pizza, and laugh at Nickelodeon? Man, I miss the 90’s.” –Mike


It was hot. The summer sun was finally here in the North Denver area, and I was more than ready for my day to be over. Unfortunately, I still had a good two hours before we would call it quits.

I worked for a good landscaping company that had a ton of city contracts. While it was good work and kept the money flowing, it was hard and we also had to do things like work on medians while cars whizzed by at sometimes breakneck speed. It was not nearly as fun as it sounded.

“Did you hear what Doug said?” I hear one of my coworkers say to another. I was the new guy, I didn’t really have friends on this crew but I hoped that I could find a place to fit.

“No, what?” the other replied.

I kept my head down and didn’t try to join their conversation, but I couldn’t help but overhear the dreaded statement coming out of their mouths. Crew too big, lost contract, layoffs.



I was already struggling to come up with the extra cash for rent and I didn’t have another job to fill the time I had after this job was done.

Not to mention, I was the last hire of the season. Did they lay off based on who was last hired?

Since I had no clue, I kept my head down and worked until my back ached, making sure to respond respectfully to anything the others asked me to do and get the job done.

When I’m finally released for the day, I head to my truck and let out a deep breath, rolling the window down to let in a cool breeze and let out the hot trapped air, I then cranked up the AC to cool things down.

I don’t love landscaping. I love being outdoors and working hard, my body craves that motion. I wasn’t right for an office job. I can’t even imagine myself sitting in an office, typing away at a computer for hours on end.

I didn’t understand how anyone did that.

My phone dings with a text and I let out a breath before I pick it up. Probably Derek asking to grab beers. My gut tightens. I hate that I have to say no, but any extra money right now needs to go toward rent and bills, not drinks with friends.

My friends had no idea I was struggling so hard and I was glad I didn’t bring it up to Enzo. He would be hounding me if he knew.

I would figure things out. I’d find another side job, maybe bite the bullet and apply at a couple restaurants just to make ends meet for a while.

Taking my phone out of my pocket, I blink in surprise at the name and smile. Viviana.

Fucking hell. All it took was a smile from her and her hand in mine to make my freaking week complete. I was an idiot for agreeing to be her fake fiancé, but I couldn’t stop myself.

I couldn’t very well sit back and let some asshole be that person for her.

We need to get together to talk. I’m at the loft now working with Warren on his branding, any chance you’ll be home soon?

The words were innocent but filled my chest with anticipation. Just the words home directed at me from her had me buckling my seat belt and getting ready to drive.

Be there in thirty.
