Page 54 of The Fragile One

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I give him a look that conveys I don’t really want to talk about it.

“Girl trouble.” He doesn’t phrase it as a question. Nothing much gets under my skin and Liam knows Lindsey has burrowed herself deep there.

We walk inside and I notice his place is as neat as can be. Not surprising when the habits of being in the military tend to stick with you even when you go back to civilian life. Liam goes into his pristine kitchen and grabs us a couple waters, holding one out to me. He knows I’m not much of a drinker and I’m glad to see he isn’t drinking the night before we leave.

“So, tell me about it, then.” He gestures to the couch for me to have a seat and spill my guts.

“I don’t really want to talk about it right now.” I open the water and take a long swig from the bottle.

“Sorry, that isn’t going to work for me, mate. I need to make sure you’re at a hundred percent before we leave in the morning, and I can’t know that unless I know where your head is at.” He sits in a chair across from the couch and waves his hand indicating for me to get on with it.

I didn’t expect him to want to know so he could try to help. Honestly, I feel better knowing he takes this mission as seriously as he does. He wants to make sure my head is clear.

“Lindsey doesn’t want me to go.” I have a seat and take another gulp of water.

“I don’t know many women who are comfortable with their man doing dangerous shit. I have a feeling this is more, though.” Liam shoots me a knowing look.

“She completely lost it when I told her I was going no matter what. She has a history of losing people before their time and she’s afraid it’s going to happen again,” I explain.

“Her dad.” Again, not a question. Liam would have her entire history from when she went missing those few months ago.

I rub my forehead in frustration. “Yeah, I think that’s where it comes from, but she refuses to see reason. When I got home from meeting with Donovan to make sure everything is set for when I’m gone, I found her drunk with her sister and Abigail.”

“And that bothers you because you lost someone to substance abuse.” He really needs to stop with this all-knowing shit. It’s getting annoying.

Ignoring the irritated expression on my face, he continues. “It sounds to me as though you two are bringing every horrible life-changing experience you’ve each had from your past into your present and your relationship.” He gives me a pointed look and I bristle with ire.

My first reaction is to want to argue with him that these are two completely separate and very different situations, but soon realize I can’t. It makes sense. I wouldn’t have thought Liam could be so intuitive. Maybe he’s in the wrong line of work. Then I look around his apartment, at the state-of-the-art surveillance set up and the varying weapons lying about being cataloged for tomorrow. Nope. He’s in the exact job to suit him.

“Maybe.” I’m certainly not going to tell him he’s right after only a few minutes of conversation. I don’t need the man getting a big head and all that.

“No maybe about it, mate. Losing your sister fucked you up. You stay away from any and all perceived drama and attachments, especially of the female variety, if you can help it. Lindsey lost her dad, then she went through the shit with the Hayes brother’s stalker. That would fuck anyone up. So, you have a fear of losing someone else you love to addiction, and she has a fear of someone she loves dying again. Not to mention the fact that she could barely leave her apartment for months because she was so scared of any potentially dangerous situation. Now here you are running into danger, and you honestly expect her to just kiss you on your way out the door?” Oh, this fucker.

He hit the nail on the head.

I deflate into the back of his couch and rub my hand over my face as I let out a long breath.

“Yeah. I think that’s pretty much the gist of it. So, oh wise one, what do I do about it?”

“Nothing tonight. She’s drunk and probably won’t see reason if she’s even still conscious. I would say talk to her tomorrow, but we leave before dawn. Again, probably not the best time to have this conversation. When you get back safe and sound, sit down and have a conversation about, gasp, feelings.” He clutches his chest and feigns shock at the idea while I roll my eyes at him.

“Fucking wanker,” I say, no real heat behind my words.

“Ah, there’s the Aiden I know and love.”

Liam stands and takes his glass into the kitchen before turning off the light and tossing a pillow and blanket at me from a chair.

“‘Fraid the couch is the best I can do at the moment. Get some sleep. We have a long day tomorrow. The rest of the team will be here in a few hours to finish getting everything ready, so catch some zees while you can.”

“Thanks, Liam. For letting me stay and helping get my head straight with this shit.”

“Yeah, yeah. I’ll take the therapy payment from your cut.” He walks to his room and shuts the door, leaving me alone.

Fucking Liam.

Chapter twenty


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