Page 63 of The Fragile One

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“All right. I’ll go, but I’m coming back first thing in the morning.” She points a slim finger in my direction to make sure I know she means business.

“I would expect nothing less,” I tell her before pulling her down to my lips for another indecent kiss.

The next couple of days are the same. Lindsey leaves after a late dinner with Kasey and Donovan in my hospital room, and she’s back first thing in the morning. By the fourth day, I’m restless and cranky as hell from being stuck in this damn hospital bed. My stitches are itching like a bitch, and I don’t care what they say, sponge baths are not a good substitution for an actual shower.

When the doctor finally decides to send me home, I’m sitting up, ready to get the hell out of here before he leaves the room.

“Slow down there, turbo. We still have to wait for the paperwork.” Lindsey comes over to my side, placing a hand on my shoulder and gently guides me back onto the pillows. She’s trying to keep me occupied, but I’m ready to go now. One good thing about having a rich boss is his ability to make the money work for him. It’s only about twenty minutes later, instead of several hours, when the discharge papers and care instructions are ready and we’re heading out.

“What do you two say to staying at the house for a little while? Aiden probably shouldn’t travel just yet and I think we could all use some time to decompress after everything,” Donovan asks on our way out the hospital doors.

“I’m definitely due for a little R and R. Did you pack a bikini, Sunshine?” I wiggle my eyebrows and look up at her from this stupid wheelchair the nurse insisted I leave the hospital in.

“I wasn’t exactly in the frame of mind to think about beachwear on the way here, so probably not.” She laughs as she shakes her head at my suggestive tone. It’s a welcome change from seeing her so afraid those first couple of days.

“Oh no, Abigail put one in there for you.” Kasey and Lindsey laugh at that. I may like Abigail again based on her forethought alone.

“And it’s that skimpy red one you bought online last summer, but decided was too revealing,” Kasey tells her.

Lindsey laughs again and rolls her eyes. “Of course it is.”

Yup, I’m liking Abigail more and more.

I don’t know why, but I’m surprised when we get to the house. It’s huge. Not a house I would have expected for a quick trip to Costa Rica under less-than-ideal circumstances, but again, rich boss. The entire back wall of the house is made of windows to give you the perfect view of the beach. Not a terrible place to recover for however long we stay. Thankfully, there’s a room on the ground floor, so that means no stairs for me to contend with. Lindsey leads me in there and the bed is thankfully bigger than the hospital one I’ve been in for the last several days.

I didn’t want to admit it, but that little bit of walking has me tired as hell. I lie down on the bed, immediately relaxing into the mattress and the sound of the waves.

“Come lie down with me, Sunshine. I want to feel you next to me without nurses coming in and making you move every ten minutes.” My hand reaches out to her, and she immediately crawls in next to me, laying her head next to mine.

“Mmm, the bed smells like you.” That would have been my chief complaint about the hospital. The antiseptic medical smell overpowered hers.

Lindsey leans up to kiss me and it quickly becomes heated. Exhaustion forgotten, I grab her leg and pull it over me, running my hand over her thigh and ass then back down, lightly grazing her center with each pass. She stiffens a bit in my arms. I can’t have that now, can I?

“What is it?” I ask.

“I don’t want you hurting yourself by doing too much. You’re supposed to be taking it easy. No strenuous activity, the doctor said.”

“I know what he said, but it’s been too long since I’ve seen you come. We’re rectifying that right now.” Leaning in and kissing her deeply, my fingers lightly drag over her center a few times to show her I mean business.

“Aiden—” she begins to protest.

“I promise I won’t overdo it.” My hand wanders to her backside to grab a handful of her luscious curves I wish I could take a bite of. “This is just for you.”

Lindsey reaches up and touches her palm to the side of my face.

“I love you, Aiden.”

“I know.”

Her lips tip upward in a wide smile when I say the same words back to her that she said to me the first time I told her I loved her.

“How?” she asks.

“You talk in your sleep, too.”

I dive back in for the kiss, our tongues playing and dancing together. Her hips roll against me, needing to find some friction, some relief. I don’t keep her waiting.

I move my hand from her ass to the front of her shorts, undo the button and drag down the zipper, lightly grazing the skin just above her panties, back and forth over and over. I want to tease her, to drive her to where the only thing she can need or want in this moment is the orgasm my fingers can give her.
