Page 17 of The Other One

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I shift uncomfortably in my seat as Jackson drives us back to the city.

“You know you don’t really have to do this,” I tell him with as much confidence as I can muster in my voice. I may not feel it, but I’ll be damned before I let him see that.

It would definitely make the trip to Charleston easier for me, but after the long weekend we spent together, I know damn well I’m going to have a hell of a time keeping my hands off the man sitting next to me. My emotions are getting too invested in him. I tell myself once again I will not have naked-tango time with him in Charleston. Or anywhere else. Giving Jackson a shot at breaking my heart isn’t going to happen. Our lives are too intertwined to take the risk.

“You’ve told me a million times, Red.” He glances at me then back to the road. “I know what it’s like to feel like the family disappointment. The one who doesn’t follow expectations. If my being there gets your family off your back just a little, then I’m happy to do it. That’s what friends are for, right?”

My lips curl upward as I look in his direction. “We’re friends now, huh?”

“Well, we were definitely friendly this weekend.” He shoots me a wink and chuckles before refocusing on the road.

“Yeah, about that. We aren’t doing that again,” I tell him firmly.

Jackson shoots me a knowing look.

“I know I keep saying that, but I don’t want to be there and have things get confusing between us. Obviously, we have great chemistry.”

He smirks and nods in agreement. “But I don’t want things getting awkward for everyone when whatever this thing between us fizzles out.” I give him a decisive nod and turn forward.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see his jaw clench before he sucks in a breath like he’s about to disagree. He thinks better of it and remains silent as he drives a little faster than the speed limit.Oh, someone’s touchy. It’s not like he can predict the future if we didn’t work out.

I’ve already been in a situation that resulted in my family taking the side of the man who burned me just because they didn’t want to upset the “balance.” I’m not going through that again. Jackson’s blood, I’m not. It’s not a stretch to think Kasey and Lindsey will pick Jackson over me. Maybe not at first, but eventually the phone calls and invites will die off until I’m the girl they used to be friends with. It was hard enough to endure that with my actual family. Kasey and Lindsey are the sisters I was never blessed with growing up. It would be devastating to lose that.

We need a subject change before my mind wanders any further down that rabbit hole.

“Okay,” I start. “Let’s get our stories straight about our relationship,” I prod.

“The one you refuse to have with me?” he asks, obviously annoyed with me.

“Look, if you don’t want to help me because you aren’t getting your way, that’s fine. I can easily not put a plus-one on my RSVP. No skin off my nose.” I cross my arms and hold my head high. I’m not accepting his help if he’s going to behave like this.

“No, no. Sorry. Last comment, I swear. From here on out I’ll be on my best behavior. Scout’s honor.”

I glance at him doubtfully. “Were you ever a Boy Scout?”

He chuckles. “No, that would have been more up Donovan’s alley.”

I let out an irritated sigh. “Are you going to take this seriously? I really don’t want to waste my time if this is just one big joke to you.”

“Yes, Red. I’ll take it seriously. I will be the best fake boyfriend you’ve ever had.”

Looking at Jackson skeptically, I notice his irreverent smile. Somehow, I don’t feel better about this situation we’ve found ourselves in.

“So, when did you realize I was the one to tame you?” I ask. “I’m sure you’re going to be asked.”

He chokes out a laugh. “Tame me? Like I’m some wild animal?”

My mind conjures images from late nights in the cabin. There were definitely some animalistic noises coming from him. From both of us, if I’m honest.

Stop it, Abigail.Focus.

“You do have a reputation. It’s not out of the realm of possibility that people will want to know. What’s your answer?”

He looks out of the windshield thoughtfully for a moment before answering. “When I came to visit Lindsey at her apartment after she got out of the hospital, you stopped by after work, sweeping in like a hurricane with your jokes and a bottle of wine. The jokes were, of course, at my expense, but it was the first time I’d seen Lindsey laugh since the kidnapping. I was sitting there just trying to be a steadfast, safe presence for her and when you came in, it was like she just lit up, y’know? I thought to myself I want to immerse myself in the magic you seemed to possess.”

Wow, he’s good. My heart is fluttering, and I let a smile spread across my face at his sweet words.

“Or it could have been how delectable your ass looked in that tight-as-fuck skirt you were wearing, but I doubt that’s the answer anyone would be looking for.”
