Page 20 of The Other One

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Son of Satan: If you had to choose between a log cabin in the mountains or a house on white sandy beaches which would you choose?

Me: Where are you getting these questions?

Son of Satan: Just answer, Red.

Me: I love a good beach.

Me: Now tell me where you’re coming up with these questions.

Son of Satan: One more. If you could be invisible for the day, what would you do?

Me: Definitely not murder you in your sleep so that no one would ever know it was me.

What the hell kind of questions are these?

Son of Satan. Last one. Promise. Would you rather have super strength or x-ray vision?

Me: Oh my god! I don’t know… Super strength, I guess.

Son of Satan: Why?

Me: Pickle jars are hard to get open sometimes and I live alone. It would just make things easier, I guess.

Son of Satan: Makes sense. I think we should get together and figure out our story and all that before the trip.

Me: I don’t know. I’m pretty busy ’til we leave.

Really, I just don’t know if being alone together is the best idea. I’m under a lot of stress with the upcoming trip and sex with Jackson is a mighty good stress reliever.

Son of Satan: I promise to be on my best behavior.

Son of Satan: Unless you don’t want me to be ;)

Me: Did you actually just winky face me over text.

Son of Satan: Please don’t ever tell anyone. I’m embarrassed for myself.

Me: I’m embarrassed for you.

Son of Satan: Dinner at my place tomorrow. I’ll keep my hands to myself.

I put my phone down and scrub my hands over my face. He’s right, we really should figure out our fake relationship if we plan to sell it to everyone. Taking in a deep breath, I close my eyes and blow it out. Besides, this will be good practice for me to control my hormones around him. It has to be done at some point, and I don’t want to be distracted by it while under the scrutiny of my family and the Callaways.

Son of Satan: Red???

Me: God are you so desperate for a dinner date that you can’t give me a second to check my calendar? I’ll see you at 7.

Son of Satan: ;)

Me: Stop embarrassing yourself.

Son of Satan: I can’t help it now. I’m going to start winking at everyone in texts now. I’ve created a monster.

Me: You’re an idiot.

Son of Satan: But I’m your idiot ;) See you tomorrow ;) ;) ;)

I don’t bother with a reply, but a girlish giggle escapes my mouth. He can be stupidly charming when he wants to be, I’ll give him that.
