Page 45 of The Other One

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Whenwegetbackto the stables, I see Julia’s truck back in the driveway. We may have spent more time riding than I thought. Or maybe I lost track of time during my and Jackson’s little break. I really shouldn’t be using Jackson and little in the same sentence. Listen, I was no virgin when we started sleeping together, and I knew a few well-endowed men in my life, but that man knows what he’s doing. And he doesn’t do anything half-assed.

Jumping off his horse like a seasoned rider, Jackson comes over to give me a hand getting down. He allows me to slowly slide down his body, keeping his hands on my waist until my feet touch the ground.

“I could have gotten off myself.” He quirks his brow at me. Yeah, I just realized how that sounded. “You know what I mean.” I grin, smacking him in the chest.

He grabs my hand and places a soft kiss on my knuckles. “I just wanted to feel you against me.” He leans in and places a soft kiss on my lips just as Julia makes her presence known.

“How was the ride?” Her eyes dart back and forth between Jackson and me, almost as if she knows just what we got up to out there.

I clear my throat and take a step away from the intoxicating man. “Good. Great.” Is my voice higher than normal? I feel like it is. Crap, she totally knows.

Julia cocks her head to the side and gives me a funny look. “Okay,” she drawls out. “Come to the house. Dad’s home and wants to say hi.”

Julia starts to walk back to the house and I turn around and look at a laughing Jackson.

“Real smooth there, Red.”

“Oh, shut up, Prince.”

On our walk up to the house, Jackson grabs my hand, holding it as we go.

I look down at our joined hands and back up at Jackson’s smiling face.

“Is this what we do now?” The simple action somehow strikes me as more intimate than what we did on our ride.

He nods confidently. “Yup.”

Well, okay then.

When we reach the porch, I spot Julia’s dad on the top of the steps with his bulky frame blocking the door, fists planted on his hips as we make our way up the steps. A wide smile stretches across his face as he opens his arms for a hug.

“Hi, Pop,” I say as he hugs me tight, almost lifting me off the ground.

“Hey girl, it has been too long.” He loosens his hold and looks me over with bright eyes. “It’s so good to see you.”

James Beauchamp was always like a second father to me. Except he actually took an interest in his kids’ lives, and I was lucky enough to be included in the rowdy brood.

“Pop, let me introduce you to my friend.” Jackson is behind me, waiting patiently. “Jackson, this is James Beauchamp. Pop, Jackson Hayes.”

“Nice to meet you, sir. This is a beautiful place you have here.” The two men shake hands as Pop gives him an assessing gaze.

“Thank you. Hayes, you said?” Pop asks, looking at me.

My head nods in confirmation.

“Your brother just won a senate seat if memory serves. And your father was a congressman?”

“Yes, sir.” Jackson smiles pleasantly.

Pop looks at him, then back at me. “Good stock, girl.” He tilts his head toward the door and waves us into the house.

Jackson gives me a questioning look when Pop goes to find Julia.

“You just got his stamp of approval,” I tell him with a small smile.

Pop’s approval means more to me than my own father’s. I’m not sure where this thing with Jackson and me is headed, but knowing Pop approves, at least of Jackson’s family, means a lot to me.

Julia comes to the entryway with three glasses of tea. “Let’s go sit on the porch. I don’t want to waste the day inside when the weather is perfect today.”
