Page 72 of The Other One

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“I still can’t believe that happened. Why the fuck would someone do that and think it was no big deal? Or that I wouldeverforgive that?”

“Some people are completely delusional, hon, and it sounds like your ex is one of them. But Jackson will be home in a few hours, so don’t worry.”

“Yeah, but I won’t be. I’m going to Julia’s ranch. I need some time away from everything. The last few days have seriously messed with my head.” I sigh and close my eyes. “I still see him with her, y’know? I need to wrap my head around the fact that he wasn’t cheating and the fact that I have feelings for him. I never thought those words would come out of my mouth, that’s for damn sure.”

“Oh honey, I wish I could help you through this, but I know all too well that you have to figure out what you’re going to do in your own time. How long do you plan on being gone?”

“I’m not sure. I have a ton of vacation time, so I can be gone for a while,” I tell her.

“Don’t worry about Gus. If he gets too grumpy about it, I’ll cover for you.”

That brings a smile to my face. She would too, maybe grumbling the whole time, but I know she would step up if he needed someone, rather than have me come home early.

“Thanks, honey bunch. You know I love you, right?”

Kasey laughs. “Of course I do. I love you too. Have a good trip, babe.”

When I disconnect the call, I’m a little less excited about my trip. The thought of Jackson being detained because of anything having to do with my ex has me wondering if I’ll even need to figure out what to do about him and our relationship. Shit, he may decide I’m too much trouble for him. Maybe finding out he was drugged by my asshole ex and being forced to be detained at the police station after a confrontation is going to prove too much for him to handle. Not that I could blame him. If it’s overwhelming for me, I can only imagine how he feels. I think time away is a good call.

For both of us.

My flight lands in Charleston the next day and I’m greeted at baggage claim with a giant welcome home sign complete with glitter paint and streamers. Julia’s smiling face pops out from behind the sign with a wide smile on her face. I shake my head with a laugh as I walk up and hug her.

“You’re too much,” I tell her.

“Thought you could use a smile. And who doesn’t love glitter paint?” she replies.

“Um, you hate glitter paint,” I point out.

“True, but I know you don’t. So, how many bags did you bring?” She eyes me skeptically.

“Too many, probably. But you know me…”

“I never know what I’m going to need,” she finishes in a high-pitched imitation of me.

I roll my eyes playfully and nudge her with my hip. “Bitch.”

“Hey, I remember all too well our spring break trips together. Believe me, I am well aware of your packing habits.” She puts her arm around me as we stand at the baggage carousel, waiting to see my luggage come around.

“I’m glad you’re here,” she says as she leans her head on mine.

“Me too, sister.”

The drive to the ranch is quiet, but there’s a peacefulness I haven’t felt in my hometown for a long time. Maybe it’s because I have no commitments to my parents this trip, or maybe there’s a certain comfort in being with one of your oldest friends who knows you better than almost anyone else. We don’t need to fill the silence with chitchat. I’m grateful to Julia for having me here, giving me the chance to get my head on straight. Get back to the girl who’s headstrong, almost to a fault, and doesn’t entertain any bullshit.

When we pull up, Julia helps me lug my numerous bags into the guest room she set up for me.

“Wow, Julia, you outdid yourself here,” I say, looking around at the white walls and white bedding with a vase of sweet-smelling wildflowers sitting on the tall dresser in the corner. The room reminds me of a fluffy cloud, and I can’t wait to curl up in the giant four-poster bed, complete with the most comfortable-looking pillows. I’ve never stayed in another room in this house other than Julia’s room which was always cluttered with cowgirl boots and T-shirts strewn about. This is definitely an upgrade.

“It’s nothing. I wanted a room for you to be able to relax in and maybe feel a little pampered. I heard white was good for that.” She shrugs like it’s no big deal, but it’s been so long since anyone has taken care of me, I nearly cry.

Julia sees my watery eyes. “None of that now. We’re not doing the weepy crap today. How about you go to the store to get some wine, because I know shit all about it, and we can get weepy when we’re drunk.”

I smile in her direction and will the tears back. “Deal.”

Julia gives me the keys to her truck to go to the store. I feel like I’m in another life, driving away from the ranch with the windows down, blaring some country music. Damn, this feels good.

When I pull up to the store and grab a basket—okay, a cart—I’m on a mission to find all the wine. As soon as I spot the aisle I need to be in, I’m so focused on getting in and out that I accidentally run into another cart.

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