Page 11 of The Lab Wars

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Mia just raised an eyebrow before turning her back and walking off to her office. Wyatt smiled and followed. She was into it, he could practically taste her arousal, feel her need seeping through her skin.

Wyatt had promised himself that he’d keep the hub professional, but right now he was driven by pure lust. He’d worry about a neutral workspace later, after he knew she was on board.

“Wyatt!” Mia’s surprised gasp when he caught her wrist and spun her against the door turned into a deep moan when he pressed into her and claimed her lips. She was sweet, her lips tasted like the honey and heather of the lip balm he often saw her use. She didn’t hesitate to open to him and let him dive into the warm wet depths of her mouth.

A groan was torn from Wyatt’s chest when he ground into the vee of Mia’s thighs. He hadn’t even noticed that he’d lifted her off the ground or that she’d wrapped her legs around him, but he knew this was going one direction fast if he didn’t stop it now.

Mia’s eyes grew wide when he placed her back on the ground, cheeks flushed and chest heaving.

“I’m not doing this here,” he explained, gesturing to the room though it was obvious he was talking about the entire hub. “I’ll be waiting for you tonight at my place, 6 pm.”

“What makes you think I’ll come?” Mia stuck out her chin defiantly, unable to resist pushing back at him despite her body betraying her true desires.

Wyatt took a step forward and caged her between his arms, inhaling her scent with a low rumble.

“Oh, you’re going to come,” he said, reveling in the goosebumps erupting over her skin and the soft moan leaving her lips even as she was fighting to hide her arousal. “Several times.”

“You’re such a cocky bastard.” Wyatt smiled at her frustrated snip, his lips feathering over her soft skin. “I hate you.”

“Your hate is like fuel and I plan to burn your world to ashes,” he whispered against her neck before pushing away and nudging her aside to open the door, calling over his shoulder, “I’ll see you tonight.”

The Discovery of Hate Sex


A quick exhale,a roll of her shoulders to loosen the tension, back straight, and it’s showtime.Merde. The word fleeted through Mia’s mind as she knocked on the white door in front of her.

Wyatt opened the door, wearing that lazy half-smirk he seemed to reserve just for her, a pair of low hanging sweatpants, and not much else. The bastard knew his way around a smile. It was the type of lopsided grin that said he was up to no good and held a promise that she would enjoy every second.

Also, that man was too gorgeous for his own good. Mia hated that just the sight of him in nothing but a pair of sweats made her wet faster than she could think of a witty jab about his choice of wardrobe.

He took a step back, clearing the way for her to enter, his gaze following her every move. “You’re late.”

“I was trying to decide—wear something that would force you to work harder?” Slowly, Mia peeled off the layers of clothes covering her body, sensing Wyatt’s hot gaze on her back the entire time. “Or give into the inevitable and just throw on a camisole dress?”

She kept her coat for last, sliding it off her arms and hanging it next to her scarf before turning to face Wyatt.

“I see you went with the latter.” Wyatt’s blazing gaze made her nipples go hard under the silky black fabric. The thin garment did nothing to hide her body’s reaction, and Wyatt’s eyes focused on the hardened peaks, the growing bulge in his sweats an indication she had made the right choice.

Good. There wasn’t much point in denying they wanted to fuck, it was just a matter of who broke first.

“Oui, I figured I’ll make you work hard for my orgasm instead.”

“Drink?” Wyatt offered, and Mia nodded. Might as well take the edge off. Plus, she was always harder to get off after a bit of alcohol, but no need to disclose that small detail.

Pulling out two cordials, Wyatt poured them each a serving of eau de vie de pear.

He raised the clear liquid to his lips without so much as a tip of it in her direction, which Mia perceived as extremely rude but not at all surprising. She wouldn’t expect anything else from a brute like Wyatt Jenkins. Following his lead, she sipped on the clear liquid and let the aromatic fluid flood her senses, calming the awareness prickling up her spine from Wyatt’s penetrating gaze.

They were engaging in a silent game of dare, waiting to see which one of them would make the first move, the air thickening with the promise of sex with every passing second.

It was maddening, the small sips they took in tandem, the building tension, Mia’s pounding heart that she was sure Wyatt could hear across the breakfast bar. She was close to her breaking point, emptying the last of the fruity spirit from her glass, when Wyatt circled the bar, bottle still in hand, and poured them both a second serving.

He didn’t wait for her to savor another taste, instead pressing his firm body to hers and placing the bottle on the breakfast bar behind her. His thick fingers wove into Mia’s hair, lightly tugging to tilt her head back.

His kiss was soft and imploring, and before she could think better of it her palm smoothed over the hard dips and ridges of his chest to rest on his hip, a contented sigh leaving her lips.

Wyatt broke the kiss with a devil’s grin, and it took Mia a few moments to snap out of her daze and for realization to hit her.
