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“Whateveryou think is best, but I’m okay if you drape them over mine. It’ll keep me from flying off.” The smile I tried to hide leaked out when I braced my hand on his thigh as he wrapped his legs around mine, knees bent as the soles of his boots pushed against the curved front of the toboggan.

“Will do.Ready for a little adventure?”

Myskin tingled with anticipation and his strong chest pushed into my back, keeping it warm and comfortable. It was fleeting, but enough to make my breath hitch in my throat. How long had it been since I purposely snuggled into someone?

“Hold on tight.”

He rocked us forward and suddenly I wasglued into his chest, wind nipping at my exposed cheeks and my hair flapping behind me. My stomach shifted as the ground blurred on the sides and once roaming butterflies were now thrust into my spine.

Still, it was exhilarating, and a small squeal of delight escaped my tightly clenched lips.

Jesse pulled on the ropes, and we glided over to a small shack, coming to a full stop.

Brushing my hair away, he whispered, “How was that?” His words tickledand warmed my ears.

I twisted as much as I could to face him.“The best ride of my life.”

My gaze floated down from his warm eyes, over his rugged nose, and settled back on his perfect lips. They were slightly parted and begged me to make the first move with each pulse.

What was wrong with me? It was only a toboggan ride, and he was only asking to be nice, because he was Jesse, sweetheart extraordinaire. After another quick search of his face, I allowed a smile to spread like the sun peeking out from behind a cloud. I patted his arm.

The adrenaline rush was intoxicating, and for now, it was all I was going to get. “Want to do that again?”

Chapter Ten

Jesse and I walked to theshack after a few more rides down the hill, one of which was completely by myself and ultra scary as I didn’t really know how to work the ropes and steer. Thankfully, I only missed a high-end sports car by falling off and holding tight to the ropes so the toboggan wouldn’t crash into it.

After thatspectacle, he decided it was time for a warm drink around a firepit. It was safer that way.

With a hot chocolate in hand, we found a vacant picnic table and had a seat facing the hill.

“That was fun.” I clinked the edge of my plastic lid against Jesse’s, the butterflies still swirled and made me feel alive. “Thanks for bringing me here.”

“It was my pleasure, mostly.” He nudged me. “Next time, I’ll bring ear plugs.”

“Sorry.” I tippedmy chin down and mocked a pout.

The screams had been completely instinctual when we accidently launched over a small bump and got, what I felt, was some serious airtime.

His shoulder touched mine and didn’t move away. “Never hold back with me. Feel freeto be yourself. There’s only one of you so why hide it?”

“Wise words.”

“They only come out after a surge of adrenaline.”

“Afraid were you?”

He didn’t seem at all like he was scared. In fact, he owned that sled.

He took a sip,and a lingering taste of hot chocolate hung on his upper lip. “Only recently.”

It was said so low, I wasn’t sure I’d heard correctly. But if I did, what did he mean by that?

His handrested on his thigh, moving at a snail’s pace closer to mine. Was Jesse afraid of what I was believing was growing between us? Was he feeling what I was feeling too? In my heart I wanted to believe love wasn’t over, and at my age, there was still a chance I could find happiness with someone who understood me. Could he sense that? Or was I reading way too much into things again? That sounded more likely.

We sat listening to the kids squealing down the hill. It was a first for me to share space with someoneand not have the silence breached. Either we were both comfortable in it, or neither of us knew what to say, and I didn’t know Jesse well enough to make an educated guess.

The takeaway cups emptied, and the sun started to loweras a chill settled in the air.
